Chapter 9

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so what do you think I should do?" I asked Chloe while munching my snacks. We are at the cafeteria. I couldn't stop worrying about my history project. I look at Chloe's smiling face. I see she's looking behind my back. I turn around to see who she is smiling at madly and no wonder it's her crush slash history partner Kevin. He was with his friends. His full attention to his friends talking about something. We can't hear from where we are seated.

"Hey Chloe, stop smiling madly he will think you are a clown," I said playfully waving my hand at her Face.
"Sorry, what did you say?" She asked noticing my hand on her face.
"Well, I'm talking about my history project I didn't even understand the topic. Can you help me please" I beg her making my puppy eyes
"Yeah sure, tell me how can I help you with it," she asked. Now finally her full attention is on me.
"Umm, do you know when the biggest fire occurred in our city in history, like any places that come to your mind?" I asked I hope she knows some of the answers.
"Umm, as much as I know in in the 17th century there was a big fire that occurred in the forest and I don't remember the year but a long time ago there was a big fire in the asylum, why don't you go the city library and it will help you to find more information about it. And of course, the internet will help too" She suggested. She's right I should go to the city library soon. I just nod my head I'll ask Julia to come with me.

* * *

A week has been passed, and I didn't start working on my assignment. I searched for the incident that Chloe told me about. A forest fire that occurred in the 17th century, there is not much information available. And in the asylum incident, Electrical faults are cited as the leading cause of fires but no one dies some get injured. This is not enough information in both the incident which I can use for my assignment. I have to choose only one.

I talked to Julia about it she was busy in the past week. We are going to meet today after school to discuss the assignment. I hope we can start soon. Everyone already started their assignment. Chloe and Kevin also started. Mrs. Pattison reminded us about our time limit yesterday. I couldn't stop worrying thinking about what happened if we didn't submit it on time.

After the last bell, I didn't waste any time I texted Julia, she was in the library. I quickened my pace. I hope she works on our assignment her last class was free. She has enough time to make it useful.

After 10 minutes I reach the school library which is in the next building. I saw Julia she has many books on her desk. I went to her she saw me coming she smiles politely.

"Hii lily, sorry I was busy last week I participate in an essay competition I didn't get time for a history assignment, but now I'm free we'll work on it now." She said all this in one breath. I calm her down. I seat beside her.
"It's fine now, we still have time we can finish it on time if we started soon. So have any useful information about our topi?" I asked curiously, hoping she won't disappoint me.
"I have something in my mind, the topic you suggested is the forest fire and asylum fire  I didn't think we can use it in our assignment the information was not enough. Even if we use both the incident still can't complete  the assignment." She said sadly.
"I already found out this Julia did you find any other incidents? Which we can use?" I asked impatiently. She nods her head. But didn't say anything. She's looking everywhere rather than me. She looks nervous.
"What? Did you find anything?" I asked again.
"Umm, actually ye. e.s I find more fire incident." She stammered.
"Great, tell me about it," I asked, finally some good news.
"This incident happened long ago in the 16th century, the fire was so big many people get killed. Some got injured so badly but nobody survives as per the information I got," she said her hands shaking the whole time. Why I'm feeling like something not right?
"Good story, where did this incident happen?" I asked carefully, deep inside, my mind knew the answer but my heart didn't want to believe it.
"In Merel Manor," she said quietly. I knew it.

I closed my eyes and open them after a couple of seconds. I took a deep breath. Didn't know what to say. Julia was waiting for an answer. In our city, nobody usually talks about Merel Manor that place was cursed. Many bad things happened there. and most importantly all these stories are rumors or reality no one knows.

"Julia, we have to make an assignment on basis of reality, not rumors. There are many stories of merel manor with no proof or evidence, how can we even find the information about the fire and other things?" I asked, this topic is out of the question we can not use it in our assignment.

"I know we didn't have the information now, but we can go to the city library and." She stops talking.
"And what?" I asked impatiently I knew if we need to find the information about merel manor we need to visit the city library but depending only on the library is not enough.
"Umm and we can visit the merel manor, I heard some people have comes to live there, we can ask them they must know something about the manor since they live there," she said making a point. But still, my mind didn't agree with it.

"Are you serious? This is not a joke we can not just go there and ask the people about how that place got fired in the 60th century and hoping to get some help. We didn't even know who these peoples are. Don't be ridiculous Julia." I said. My voice turns a bit higher now. I'm glad not many students are here. thankfully We are sitting in the corner.
"Calm down Lily, I know we didn't have information now but we can at least give it a try, we didn't have much time left, and trust me this is our only option but if you know any other topic then please tell me soon, I'm leaving now I'm getting late," she said ending our conversation.

She placed books on the shelves and packed the bag she was about to leave. I was thinking deeply about what she said. She was right I don't have any other topic. This is our last option. At least we can try.

I stand up run towards the door I called her name she was on the stairs. When she here me she turns around.

"Ok fine, we can give it try," I said. She smiles and nods her head in response.

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