Chapter 2

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I went to Beaxbatons for 3 years and got in a lot of trouble there. I set multiple dormitory's on fire at night, transformed a professor into a monkey and refused to turn him back for a good three weeks and found a nice hobby in hiding other students wands throughout the castle. At the end of my third year I was expelled after fleeing a crime scene where a fellow student of mine had mysteriously died in the school kitchen while I was the only other person in the room...
When they found me obviously they expelled me and broke my wand. No such behavior could be tolerated anymore by the school. I think someone must have read my mind and found out the truth because I wasn't sent to Azkaban.

*the next year after boarding the Hogwarts express.

I walk through the train and search for an empty compartment dragging my trunk behind me and trying to hold my cat Derks upright in his cage.

At some point i look into one where three boys are in. A platinum blond and two big black haired boys.

The blond one had just put his trunk away and hadn't noticed me while the other two stared in silence.

"Draco?" I exclaimed and the boy turned to look at me.
"Y/N? Oh how wonderful to see you!" He said and pulled me into a tight hug.
"You too!" He held his arms out holding my shoulders and gazed at my face.
"You get prettier and prettier every time I see you!"

I blush "Thank you☺️. How are you?" I ask taking a seat next to the window. He lifts my trunk up and packs it away and then sits with me. He gestures for the two other boys to leave and they do.

"Well I'm doing quite well all things considered... and you?" He says
"I'm exited and nervous! Beaxbatons wasn't really for me and I'm glad I got expelled. I hope I can call Hogwarts my home one day."
"Oh you will! Hogwarts is the best! There are a few jerks around but it's quite alright. If anyone bothers you, you must tell me and I'll deal with them. Okay little god-sis?" He says and pinches my cheek in a brotherly way.

"Okay Draco. Hey talking of god- siblings and all... how's Tom doing at Durmstrang?"
"Funny you should mention him, this year I convinced him to transfer to Hogwarts. Father and him are at Hogwarts registering right now!"
"Gosh that's wonderful! I can't wait to see him again."
"I'm exited too! Hopefully he'll land in Slytherin."
"My father says he doesn't want me in Slytherin because everyone turns out bad."
"I don't believe that." He says putting his hand over my shoulders. "And anyway i don't make friends with anyone who's not in Slytherin."
"Good to know. And if I get sorted into anything else you won't like me?"
"Well, I might have to make an exception there."
"Hm. Alright, so I won't worry😌."
"Nah" he smirks and winks.

I sink cosily into my seat as the train rocks me to sleep. With the warmness of Draco's body on mine I'm near drifting off. Out of nowhere there is a sudden jerk and i would have gone flying forward if Draco hadn't just caught me.

"My gosh what was THAT?" I exclaimed and noticed Draco's arm around my waist. I stared at him and then at his hand."Jee thanks!😅"
"Any time" he smiles but doesn't let go. "I'm not letting you go you know. I'm going to hold you for the rest of the ride. 😇"
"You don't ha-AAAAHHHH" another jerk of the train. I grabbed Draco's leg and the side of the compartment as he holds me back.

Suddenly a chilly force of air sweeps through the train.

The atmosphere turns dark. I draw open the curtains and we stare outside. "Are those... d-dementors?" I stutter.

"Yes... they must be after that filthy Potter again! I can't wait to see his face when Tom's name is announced. Look out for Potter ey? He's the only kid in school with glasses 🤓 and a stupid scar on his forehead ⚡️, oh and he's in Griffindor." He says and rolls his eyes.
"I'll look out for him." I promised.
"We should try sleep, we still have a few hours left." He got up to get a blanket and put it on both of us.
"Goodnight, sweet dreams Draco."
"G'night Y/N"

A bit before arriving Draco wakes up and finds Y/N lying on the seat with her head on his lap. He smiles sleepily and strokes your hair and cheeks.

I wake up to Draco's thin tender fingers stroking me. I realize my head is on his legs. I slowly sit up and yawn 🥱.
"Hmm hello!" My eyes can hardly stay open. "Hi!" He replie grinning. "Comfy there?" He asks looking at my face.
"Mhm!" I reply sleepily.

"We need to get dressed into our robes, I'll go to the bathroom and you can dress here. I'll be back in a minute."
I dress into my plain black robes and Draco returns.
I look at his Slytherin sign. It does look quite cool...

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