Chapter 3

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After the train stops Draco gets our trunks down again and takes them outside to a big pile where everyone is leaving theirs. I take his owl and my cat to the pile. Draco takes my hand and leads me to where the first graders are standing.
"You need to go with them." He leads me to them. "I'll see you inside!" He squeezes my hand goodbye and runs off with the other students.

I stand with the tiny little first graders and they stare up at me with curiosity. A big hairy man comes to us and I'm perfectly petrified. "Who're you?!" I accidentally say.

"Mey name's Hagrid, and what's yers?" He asks me friendly. I think I kinda liked this giant.
"Y/N Tombs." I put out my hand and instantly regret it. Oh no 😳... his hand is HUGEE I mean obviously, he is a giant after all...
"Nice mee-ing ye Y/N!" He said and lightly shook my hand.
"Likewise!" I grin and exhale relieved I still have an arm.

Hagrid starts walking and we all have to jog to keep up with him.
"Com'on 'en! Yer goina get lost all on yer own!" We trotted behind him and then climb in boats and float to the castle of Hogwarts.

We go into the castle and Professor Minerva McGonagall takes us up some stairs and tells us a few things about points and houses and rules.

She leaves for a bit and then returns.

"We're ready for you now, follow me." We followed her through a large door to the main hall where there were four extremely long tables for each house.

Dumbledore stands up and announces a few things before all the new students get sorted.

Ms McGonagall calls the first name:
"Herman Gouge?"
Herman a little red haired boy goes nervously to the stool and sits. McGonagall places the hat on his head and it starts talking!
"GRIFFINDOR!" It shouts. There's a loud cheer from the Griffindor table as he goes to them.

I look around the room and notice a tall boy my age coming through the big door coming to the front. It was Thomas Malfoy.

"Y/N Tombs?" I'm called.

I go up and sit.
Ms. McGonagall places the hat on my head. It stays on my head for a while. "ᴵᴹ ᶜᴼᴺᶜᴵᴰᴱᴿᴵᴺᴳ ˢᴸᵞᵀᴴᴱᴿᴵᴺ ᴼᴿ ᴴᵁffᴸᴱᴾᵁff... ᵞᴼᵁ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴰᴼ ᴱᵡᴱᴸᴱᴺᵀᴸᵞ ᴵᴺ ᴮᴼᵀᴴ" he whispers so only I can hear. "𝙎𝙇𝙔𝙏𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙄𝙉 !" He calls.

I hear the kids at the Slytherin table cheer. I sit with Draco at my house table. "Congratulations Y/N! I knew you'd be in Slytherin!" He hugged me. "Thanks. It actually said something about Hufflepuff. Can you believe it?"
"Huh!! Well you must be too cunning for Hufflepuff."

"Thomas-Mattheo Malfoy?" McGonagall calls. He's the only person left.

Draco snickers as he points at the Griffindor table where I see the famous Harry Potter for the first time. He looks shocked😱. Draco was right to want to see his reaction! It was priceless!

"Slytherin!" The hat called and I see Harry cover his mouth with his hand🫢. This was all too much for him. The girl and boy next to him (who I think is Ron Weasley) are in the same shock and dismay. We laugh at them and Tom sits next to me. "Look over there!" I say pointing non discretely at Harry. He was staring right in our direction. "That's harry potter!" I whisper "and he doesn't look too happy you're here..."

"I should imagine not," he starts while taking a seat. "Draco always boasts about how he torments him. He should have obliged when Draco asked to be friends. And now just because I'm his twin brother and in the same house as him, he thinks im just like you." He laughs and looks past me and at Draco. "Goodness is he wrong!"
I smile at him. "He'll see how wonderful you are."
"And hopefully he'll not see how wonderful you are or he might try to steal you!" Tom says and I roll my eyes and laugh.
"No one is stealing me, don't worry."

Dumbledore stands up, claps his hands and a great feast appears in front of us.
We fill our stomachs with pleasure. I looked sleepily at my empty plate. Tom and Draco are finished too.

We chat until the first graders are summoned. Tom and I go with them for the tour. The Slytherin prefect leads us to the dungeons. Then we face a door. "Potions." He says and the door makes way. We all walk in and I'm shocked by the beauty of it. Behind the glass windows we can see fish swimming around! We must bee under the lake! How fascinating!

"Girls you go up there," he points to the door on the right. "And boys come with me." All us girls go through the door and to our dorms. Four in each one. Our stuff has been put at the end of our beds. I find  mine and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When im done i get into bed.

"What are your names?" I ask the other girls.
"Pansy Parkinson"
"Dorothy Umbridge"
"Tracey Davis"
They say.
"Y/N Tombs" I say looking at the cover of my bed. It's like im in a box.
"We know your name." Pansy says in a sassy voice.
"Oh. Okay. Goodnight." I say and pull up my sheet.

I stay awake staring up worrying about everything that could go wrong. I could get expelled. I could do something stupid in front of everyone and make a fool of myself. What if someone tried a spell on me again? I'm the only one who knows the truth about the girl that died in the kitchens in Beaxbatons. She had hated me for some reason since first year. Elphinique Crissley had casted the death curse on me but somehow it just backfired and she died. I ran away in horror hoping not to get blamed. Yet of course I was. I didn't get sent to Azkaban though strangely enough. I just got expelled and my wand broken. Now normally it's illegal for someone to get a wand again after murdering, but when I was accepted into Hogwarts I was given a second chance. A fresh start. Almost as if my guardian angel was making deals to help me out. Or I was a relative of the headmaster haha.

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