part. twenty two

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⚠️mention of not eating (I do not encourage this, Food=fuel)⚠️

Y/n pov

I was downstairs at dinner just staring at my plate full of food, while everybody else was talking, eating, and enjoying themselves.

Steve passed me the bread basket, I took it grateful and passed it to Natash,  who was on the right side of me, I didn't take anything,  so nothing would go to waste. Natasha turned her head and looked down at my plate,  and her smile dropped.

"Y/n, where is the food?" she whispered into my ear, I turned my head to her with a confused look on my features.

"Oh, I am not that hungry, I ate a big lunch," I whispered back, Natasha went back to minding her business.
The time went by real fast, and suddenly, everyone was all around the house doing random stuff.

Steve, Sam, Bucky, and I were left at the dining room. Sam and Steve were talking. Meanwhile, Bucky was reading a book 'top ten Ways to Hide a Body' to be more accurate. Gosh, that's weird. I'm just saying.

I listened to music, trying not to overhear any conversations from where I was sitting, but you know it's hard sometimes.

"Oh my god, Steve, did you kiss your literal niece?" Sam said as both me and Bucky spit out the water we just drank.
We all started laughing as Steve smacked his head with the palm of his hand, right after he let out a loud sigh.

"Before this whole conversation goes any weirder, anyone wanna go out for a walk with me, since well I'm not allowed to go outside alone" I laughed out Steve volunteered to go outside with me, Steve surprised me with going to the carnival nearby.

"So what do you wanna do first? Y/n, we can do everything you want to." Steve said like a real gentleman as he paid for the tickets.



"Can we try the big roller coaster, please?" I said with my fingers interverted and big puppy eyes, Steve let out a chuckle as he shook his head with a smile.

"Sure Y/n" Steve said, following me, who was acting like an exited child who just got candy. We arrived at the roller coaster. Thankfully, the line wasn't that long, and we quickly got on.

About 5 minutes later, when the cart arrived at the top, I looked next to me and saw Steve with a straight face.
The cart began going down, fast, really fats, I felt myself wrap around Steve while screaming slightly.

Even when the little camera thingy came, I was still wrapped around Steve screaming. I saw a smile creep onto Steve's face. I quickly pulled away from him, but then the cart started going down again. I wrapped around him again. A few minutes later, the ride was done, and Steve was sitting there laughing at me.

"Let's now ever do that again, deal Steve," I said as we got off and walked away, Steve just walked while laughing like crazy.

"OK, deal, but I thought it was you who gave me puppy eyes to go on that ride," Steve teased me, that soldier have some nerve to say that.
I elbowed him as I ran off to the little ducky stall, where people could catch a ducky for a prize.

"Steve, can I try this, please?" I said once again, exited like a child who just got candy, Steve nooded and paid so I could try. I ended up winning the medium size plushy from there, but hell, what it was still big. Steve got a small plushy.

We ended up giving those to some children though.

"Wow, impressive. anyways wanna go to the shooting stall, not to brag, but I'm pretty good," Steve said, obviously bragging about it.

"Sure, sounds fun, by the way Steve, you were bragging just saying," I laughed out as I started to walk with Steve to the shooting stall.

We both shot all the targets down even though it was just water guns with a hell of a lot of pressure on.
We both got the big plushy. I got a pink, purple, and blue monkey, which was nearly taller than Steve himself. Meanwhile, Steve got what looked like an....uhmm... well an unicorn.



As we started walking home cause it was getting late, I fell backward a few times. Steve helped me up every single time, I made sure the monkey didn't get dirty, even if that was the last thing I had to do in my whole life.

As we reached the compound, I dumped down on the couch in the living room, laying on my giant monkey.
Steve carefully placed his unicorn next to the kitchen counter, where Sam and Bucky were holding back their laughs.  Steve let out an exhausted sigh as he realised Sam and Bucky still were there staring at him.

"Little piece of advice, never take Y/n to the carnival, it's exhausting how good she is at the mini games" Steve said as I threw my medium sized plushy right into Steve's face. I soon after felt someone sit down next to me, I turned my head around for it to reveal Natasha with worry written all over her face.

"Natasha, I promise I wasn't out alone. Steve said he wanted to waste his life on going outside with me,"  I said with a slightly Russian accent. It always kicked in when I was annoyed.

"Baby that's not why I'm worried, the reason I'm worried is because you haven't been eating properly the last day" Natasha said as my heart dropped to the ground, I felt Sam, Bucky and Steve's eyes on me.

"Baby, you need to eat, you could die if you don't get any food," Natasha said as she handed me some food. It wasn't much, but hey, I wasn't hungry.

"But Tash -" i started, but Natasha cut me off by holding her index finger in front of my mouth, I looked up at Natasha, who was shaking her head.

"No, but's eat up, now," Natasha said with her strict voice, I ate it up against my will. As I was done, I just wanted to throw it all up again, but I didn't cause then I would disappoint Natasha.

"Wanna sleep here or wanna go to bed, bub?" Natasha said, caring, but I was already dozed off to sleep.

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