Dance with Me?

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A/N: here my new story hope you all like it, this is my very first idea to write this theme finally i'm writing it hope you like it please comment vote and hope you fan me :)

dedicated to cold_lady19 she is a great writer i love sweet madness and my wattpad love was my favourite book hope she saw it :)


chapter 1 Edited

“Bye, dad!” I shouted from the car. I was rushing to school because I was late again.
“Ride safe, don’t rush,” my dad shouted, waving his hand. I saw him from rear view mirror, wearing an apron and holding a spatula in his hand, waving at me from the door way. I smiled at my dad’s appearance. He was the only guy I loved the most in my life. I was riding his car today. I usually preferred walking or public transport, but today I was almost late for school, hence his car.

My mom and dad got divorced a few years back, and I was absolutely okay with that. My mom found someone two years ago, and currently they were dating. My dad was still all alone. I felt sad for him, but he always said that if someone was out there for him, he would find them.
I used to live with my mom back in London, but when my mom met her boyfriend there, I got my excuse. I really wanted get out of London for some reason that no one knew and I couldn't tell them. That was why when I found a suitable reason, thanks to mom dating, and I said that I was not comfortable and wanted to go to New York to my dad. A year and a half later, here I was.
I loved my dad’s company more than my mom, and I just couldn't live in London anymore.
After a not so long journey to my school, I was in the parking lot. Waiting for my only friend here, Amy. She was a bubbly girl and always had a new crush and a story about how she fell for him, and so it went on until she found someone new.
But she was a complete entertainer, I must say. I loved her company, though.
I made my way through the school grounds to the main entrance, when I looked at the group called school Dazzlers.
The rich lads and girls. The guys played football, and most of the girls were cheerleaders. Cliché, right? They all performed in school theatrical activities as well. You could see the great bond that they shared—after all, the popular crowd sticks together. But my eyes immediately fixed on Luke, the football team captain. Besides playing ball, he also had other talents—not only his good looks, but also his dancing skills. He was an amazing dancer—I’d seen him performing with Ashley. By Ashley, I meant the Queen Bee of school. I didn't want to think about her.
It didn't need telling-- Luke had a charm that could pull any girl towards him. Okay, I’m not saying I have crush on him, but he was hot. I never talked to him much but I could tell he was a sweet guy.
Something kicked me out of my thoughts when I found Amy jumping up and down in front of me.
Smiling like she just got Christmas gift. I groaned. Oh, not another guy.
“Hey, where have you been? I was waiting for you since so long,” she exclaimed. “Sorry, I got late. Again,” I apologized to her.
“Okay, whatever. Here’s the thing,” she looked secretive and leaned in to tell me something in my ear. “I think Luke likes you,” she whispered. I give her a ‘stop with the rubbish again’ look.
I started walking, ignoring her and her stupid tendency of hooking people up.
“Look, don’t ignore me. I mean, c’mon, did you see how he looked at you in the classes we shared?” she kept convincing me about it.
I stopped and looked at her-- she was smiling sheepishly. I sighed. “Look, you know he has a girlfriend, Ashley. Right?” I asked her. She nodded.
“So end of discussion; we’re getting late for class.” Before she could protest, I dragged her toward class.
Oh, I forgot to say—the school year fest was about to start from next week, so our classes would be shorter, yay!
From god’s grace, it was English first period today, so I had to deal with the weird stares from Amy. Because ladies and gentlemen, Luke was in the same class as me. Sigh.

We sat on our regular seats, and Amy gave me her first pointed stare when Luke Wesley entered the class.
He sat a few benches away from me. And Amy kept poking me in the arm when he looked in my direction. Weird boy. God, it was getting annoying, his looks, and on top of that—Amy’s pokes.
The classes finally came to an end, and I breathed in relief. Thank god they were shorter than regular days.
Now here I was, folding curtains in the rehearsal hall. And why was I doing this work? Well, I was in the cultural team of the school, and I was instructed to complete the duties. Just suffice to say, folding curtains wasn’t at the top of my most interesting things to do list.
The fest would be in a month, and it was an event that everyone looked forward to. Lots of drama went on—it was a daily dose for freaks and popular kids alike, and people like me, too. The fest consisted of theatrical shows including singing, dancing, etc.
And, of course, Luke and his team were performing for the dance show—any guesses why? Duh, I know you are a genius.
Suddenly, a loud commotion began, and I heard a thump on the stage that pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked around to see what was going on, and the sight that greeted my eyes almost had me smirking.
Ashley was wincing in pain on the middle of the stage, and currently sitting on the ground. And people were flocking her, since she was the lead dancer of the show. Murmurs and exclamations rose everywhere around me, and I heard some of the students talking about her broken leg.

“Oh, what happen to her?”
“Well, she deserved it.”
“Somebody take her to the medical room!”
All of them panicked, even Mrs. Richards, our theater teacher.
I, being a good classmate, went on stage and saw her wincing in pain. She couldn’t even walk properly! Well, I think they might have to replace her.
“Let me take her to medical room,” Luke said.
“No, no; Shina, take her to medical room, please,” Mrs. Richards told her friend Shina, who was like a clone of Ashley.
“Yes, I’ll take her to medical room,” she said, and helped her friend up from ground. Stephen helped take her from there. After they were out of side, Mrs. Richards sighed, tensed.
“I don’t think she’d recover in time for the fest,” she told Luke and the other dance members.
“What we do now?” Luke said, and the tension was clear in his voice.
“I think we’ll have to find a new dancer until she recovers,” Mrs. Richards told everyone.
Her voice was clear and demanding.
“But miss, how can we find a new dancer in such a short time?” Luke exclaimed, running his hand through his hair.
“I don’t know, but find someone from school or outside, I don’t care,” she said coldly. “You have only two days.”
Luke’s eyes widened, just like everyone else, including me. I mean, how could someone find a lead dancer in one day?


Editing by @sanjanashah


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