Chapter 5

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A;n/ hellooooo guys i'm late....:) sorry but i'm busy with examss

so enjoy....pls comment and vote. :) 

p.s. do check my other book Before I Die..


Chapter 5

I’m so nervous. I feel like the child who went first time to school. I’m at school entrance gate but not so sure to take step inside or went back home and hide in cave. How I suppose handle if any of them critics me about my bad dancing skills. I mean them all are fantastic dancer and I’m a  good dancer. What if Mrs. Richard doesn’t like it? Urgh!! God help me.

“Natalie where on earth is you” I heard from behind. What did god come here to help me? I doubt it. But the voice sounds familiar.

I turned around found Amy coming towards me with awful expression of angry and frustration. Here we go!!

“Hey Amy” I try to act casual. While I know in which big mess I’m right now. “Why you are not attending my calls” she asks, smoke is blowing out from her ears. Oops!!

“I’m busy and Luke comes over and I’m tired” I blab but that’s true; I’m tired. I fell asleep when he left. “Oh how the hell in world you give him my address” I ask crossing hand in front of my chest. This is my time to glare.

I saw her sheepishly smiling. “Uh… I thought to help him a bit” she says looking down. “Sorry Natty” she said. “Uh… fine but don’t call me with that name” I said. I hate when she calls me ‘Natty, Nates’ and more.

She nodded. Oh I forgot I have to tell her about my dancing. But how. I’m sure that Luke doesn’t tell him. He just asked her for help. And Amy is a saint to help guys in girls-kind situation. And c’mon he is Luke he knows his way.

“You zoned out again” Amy exclaimed. Throwing her hands in air. “Uh... What are you saying sorry” I apologies. “Yes! I’m saying are we going to stay here outside or shall we proceed for class” she says.

“Yes come I have to tell you something” I said. Her face lit up; she loves to hear gossips.

“Oh really! What happened between you two last night? Well don’t give me details just a bit was enough” she giggled. I made disgust face. God this girl. “Shut up you perverted chick, nothing happened and never will. Okay I have to tell you something more important” I drag her to sit on one of the benches placed at side of the ground.

“Okay tell what’s up” she asked. I sighed “promise me you don’t tell anyone” I asked her. She nodded seriously. “I dance” I said. She looked at me like I have three heads. “We all dance duh!” she says.

“No I mean I professionally dance but I didn’t want anybody to know about that” I explain. She made oh sound. “And why you stop dancing” she asks which is I’m expecting that she ask. I take a deep breath. “Okay it’s a long complicated story are sure you want to know” I asked. I don’t want her to be bore by my past. “Yes babe tell; I’m up for it” she said grinning. I told her all story...By the time we end up in cafeteria in break. She keeps attempting to kill Jake (my Ex) mentally. I tried to calm her. But she already murdered him imaginably. God help that guy.

I told her that I’m helping the dance group. She then start pairing me and Luke up. I keep shrugging her weird thoughts. This girl she is from mars or another planet of love.

My phone vibrated while I’m eating French fries. I checked its Luke. Seeing his name on my phone make my stomach flinch. I think these are the side effect of Amy’s all time blabbing -_-

I open the text.

-if done eating French fries meet me outside….hurry ;)

wtf!! Where is he…omg he is seeing me eating? I turned around. He is standing by the door...waving in my direction. Smirking.

I ducked my head in table. My face is flushed with deep color of red. I hate you blush!

I excuse myself from table and told Amy that I’m leaving for practice.

I start making my way out where Luke was staring me. I don’t feel like this way ever… the way his intense eyes looking me making my feet jelly. I stand in front of him.

And stare back at him. He shrugged back. “Uh hi… lets go I can’t talk here” he said and grab my arm and take me out. What’s happening to me? I never feel this way…which I’m feeling right now,

he takes me to ground where people gathering here and there. We took a small bench.

I sit there quietly not looking at him just staring at ground. What he did next send me electric shocks in my whole body? He takes my hand which was rested on my thighs. I just was staring at our hands. “Look I know you are nervous but trust me you are amazing in what you do” his intense blue colored eyes piercing in my hazel ones.

I nodded because words are not coming out. “We are going straight there now are you ready for this” he asks. “Ye-s yes did you think I can pull this off” I asked looking down. “I said that you are amazing, something really happens to you and I found out that soon, but I know you are great what you do” he said still looking at me “you are just under confide that’s it” he smiled “shall we go now” I nodded.

We entered the rehearsal hall. I saw everybody panicking because Mrs. Richard scolding all of them for something. “Here everybody meets Natalie” he said without giving me a warning. I’m hiding behind him before anybody could get my glance. Everybody looking for me but I’m behind him. He caught everybody questioning look and look at his left, but didn’t found me. He sighed. And dragged me from behind him.

He whispers “trust me” and smiled. I nodded smiling.  “So guys she is Natalie she is helping us for practice” he said.  I looked at everyone. They all have same expression like they saw a ghost. Mouth wide open-eyes popping out. I sighed. See this is the bad decision.

“Are you kidding me?  can she dance you think buddy” the guy a remember Steve barked. What a jerk. “Hey watch your words you have no idea how amazing she is” Luke snapped back to him. I smiled knowing him that he is supporting me.

This time Mrs. Richard speaks. “So, Natalie I believe in Luke so you better show us some of your dance” she said professionally. I nodded. Stepping inside the hall. Every time I came here normally to help. But now everything is change.   Nervous I’m yes!!  I removed my hoodie. Inside, I’m wearing a check shirt and jeans short which are comfortable for me to perform. I went on stage and pass my I-pod to a guy who is near where the stereo are. “Play song 22 in the list” he nodded. I have to do it. I chanted again and again.

I take deep breathe one more time looking at Luke who is smiling to me.  A proud smile. I have to do for Luke. he said he trust me. The music started. I chose Beyonce’s Halo to perform I’m good in contemporary.

I start spinning and doing my moves and keep the rhythm not to beat it. Every time I take a look at Luke...he is just staring me wide eyes. Actually rest of them is same. But he was little more compose.

The song is connected to me very much it’s an awesome song and gives you a great beat.

As the song end I stay still and keep my eyes connected to Luke. Who is doing the same. There is something I fell for him that’s for sure.

Our stare broke when I heard “amazing you are amazing” this is Mrs. Richard. “You have to be with us” she says.

I look at other they stayed still. What I’m not that awful I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2013 ⏰

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