Chapter 11

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*Keaton's POV*



K:Yeah Mom?

L:I was talking to Wesley..

K:Is that bad?

L:Let me finish Keaton.

Oh no, she sounded really angry.

L:He told me something very, very serious.

A:What did he tell you?

L:He told me Keaton got you pregnant Allison.How could you two be so irresponsible?Why didn't you tell me?Why didn't you use protection at least?

A:I'm sorry...

L:What are you two planning to do?

K:I don't know.

L:Adoption?Abortion?Keeping it?What are you doing?You need to know now.This is very serious.You two are very young.I get both of you already graduated,but you haven't lived your life.Do you really want a child this early in your life?

K:Yes, Mom. I do. I love Allison with all of my heart.She is my life.I want to be with her forever.Someday I hope to marry her.

L:Well alright. Congradulations I guess.

Both of us went upstairs to our own rooms.A few minutes later I went to Allison's room.

K:I need to ask you something.


K:Did you kiss Wesley?


K:Did you,Allison, kiss my brother Wesley?

A:He came up to my room and pushed me against the wall and kissed me. Not the other way around.

K:I can't believe it was true...

I ran outside and went to the corner bar downtown.They didn't even bother checking ID's there.I sat at the counter drinking beers when I felt a tap on my shoulder.


K:This is he.

B:I'm Bridgit, remember me?

Bridgit was my ex girlfriend.I fell in love with her.She broke with me because she moved to Texas.

K:Yep. How have you been?

B:I've been great.How about you baby?

K:I've been better.

B:Aw, I'm sorry. Need some cheering up?

K:Sure.Go ahead and try.

She started kissing me softly, then more and more aggresively. I remember those lips. Mm, how I loved kissing them lips.

Unknown: What the hell Keaton?

Shit.It was Allison.I was carried away.I couldn't help myself. I loved her more than I ever loved Bridgit.

I started to get up, but Allison was walking away crying, pratically running.

I just messed up everything.

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