The Characters...

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~This isn't so much a part of the story, but it's to understand the characters better.~

Strombergs- Keaton) He's a 16 year old boy from California.One of the main characters.Surfer and skater. Has a secret love for singing.

John) 45 year old man. Father. He was best friends with Robert Vega(Allison's dad). They worked together.They had a third partner,Peter. He stole lots of money from the company and made all of the clues to who stole it lead to John. The business was shut down, leaving John and Robert hating each other. John moved alone to New York, leaving his family in L.A..

Laraine)The mom. She moved them to Huntington Beach to live near her sister and leave bad memories behind.

Wesley) The older brother. Plays football. Very, very attractive. Sort of stuck up. Used to getting what he wants.

The Vegas

Allison) Main character. Her mom passed away due to breast cancer. She and her dad moved to Huntington Beach where her dad was born and raised. Shy, quiet. Loves music and beaches. She never lived with her mom since her parents seperated after she was born.(They were never married.)

Robert: Father. Lonely, angry at the world,his friends, his daughter. Mainly himself. He has a very strong attitude.

Well, that's basically all about the characters.~

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