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The legend of the Elements starts with the four elements, each a guardian of their element. A spirit, but each one acting like a human blending in with society. But over 10000 years ago the Element joined in a war. This war raged for generations when finally, one brave girl from the wolf clan stood up. This girl ended the war and brought peace between the worlds. In thanks the Elements granted her the power of all the elements, to prevent war from breaking out again she was named the guardian of the elements. This girl passed it down to her youngest and their youngest and so on. Why the youngest? Now one knows some say she favored her youngest, others say that the youngest child has the most potential, most people believe it's because she was the youngest herself. This one might be the best reason. The former guardian said that the youngest will take over at 16 years old. They get their powers as soon as they're 16 or after the former guardian dies Though they take over at 16 no matter what. Even if the former guardian passes before this. When this happens, the elementals take over together. And the Elements pass their job down to their only child.

10,000 years after the war. The current guardian dead after an attack. the goal of the attack? To take out the inter family and the Elements causing the whole world chaos. Though the Elemental guardian and his wife were the only people to die. Leaving the Elements to raise their three kids at ages 6 and the twins at 4, they were left with this task as well as raising their own kids, the same age as the twins.

11 years after this happens is where our story begins as the next guardian is getting closer to her 16th birthday, and as the Elements try harder and harder to keep everyone safe from society. The Elements know that the task of killing the attacker is left up to the young guardian.

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