Nancy Wheeler

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Get You Home (Nancy Wheeler X Reader)

Words : 1928

Warnings: Alcohol, some cursing, creepy flirting, sibling banter

Summary: It’s Halloween, and Y/N has been invited to the biggest party of the year. By her long time crush, Nancy Wheeler.

“Nancy, hey!” I called, my voice nearly getting lost in the calamity of the high school corridors.

She turned around, and smiled softly in my direction. Steve took his arm off her waist, and we slowly made our way towards each other.

“Hey Y/N. I’m glad I ran into you, because I have something for you.” My eyes widened at Nancy’s statement, and I stood there awkwardly as she fished around in her bag.

“Here it is. This is for you, Miss Henderson.” Nancy said, winking as she passed me the piece of fluorescent orange paper.

The first thing I noticed was the terrible ghost pun, and a snort left my mouth as I read it. “Sheet faced. God that’s so bad.” I said, and Nancy let out a gentle laugh, nodding her head.

“I know. Tina’s never been the best with words. So, you wanna come? Steve and I are going, and I might be able to convince Jonathan into joining us.” She said eagerly, and I took one last look at the flyer.

“Sure. I’ll be there, but I might be a bit late because mom wants me to make sure Dustin doesn’t kill himself trick or treating.”

Nancy let out an excited squeal before wrapping her arms around me. My face flushed at the contact and I hugged back, noticing how soft her sweater was.

“I’ll see you there!” Nancy said, pulling away from me. She waved at me as she walked back over to Steve, and I waved pathetically back at her, a dopey smile on my face.

“Awe, you two look adorable. Especially you, Dusty.” Mom said, patting Dustin’s cheek, much to his disgust.

“Mom.” He groaned, and she removed her hand from his face.

“I think you look like a very charming exterminator.” I said, snickering as Dustin smacked me with his free arm.

“I’m a ghostbuster, Y/N, and I know you know that.” Dustin said, and I shrugged my shoulders, fidgeting with the zipper of my leather jacket.

“Whatever, Dustin.” I said, ruffling his hair slightly. He rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face gave away his true feelings.

“Let me get one last photo before you two head out.” Mom said, putting Mews down to pick up the camera.

Dustin and I posed together, and despite our costumes being polar opposites, we somehow complimented each other.

“Come on Y/N. You’ve gotta drop me off at the Wheeler’s before 7:30.” Dustin said, grabbing the sleeve of my jacket and tugging me along.

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