billy hargrove

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Panic attack]

pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader

summery:  Billy and y/n are in a secret relationship. She gets a panic attack while hanging out w/ the party & steve & robin - they try to comfort her but it keeps getting worse. y/n tells them to call billy & they are all confused but do so. billy arrives shortly after the call & is a protective little soft bean who calms the reader down.

Word Count: 1016

Warnings: panic attack, soft,protective!Billy,

You let out a laugh at something Steve had said as you sat on one of the couches in Mike’s living room. Max and El were under your arms, snuggled into your side as they shook against you with laughter. 

You were having a movie night with the party, Steve and Robin. You were currently on your third movie and, surprisingly, everyone was seated and watching the movie instead of running around or arguing. 

You looked around the room, smiling at the people you called family, you just wished your boyfriend was here too. You and Billy had been dating for a few months, secretly, and contrary to popular belief, he was a real gentlemen. He treated you like a princess and he’s been there for you through tough times, especially your panic attacks.

You had been having trouble with them a lot more recently. You’ve had them your whole life but recently they’ve been much worse; you guessed it was because of all of the stress you were feeling with college and your future lately. Billy seemed to be the only person who could calm you down from them, he always knew exactly what to do. He told you he used to get them after his mom left so he had some experience.

Your mind drifted off to exactly what you were trying to forget: college. You shut your eyes and you felt yourself tense up, Max and El feeling it too. They sat up from your sides, sharing a look.

“Are you alright?” Max asked you, concern clear on her face.

Everyone’s attention turned to you, Steve pausing the movie as he caught sight of the anxious look on your face. Your heart rate sped up as you felt all eyes burning into you. You were struggling to breathe, hands shaking as you stood from the couch, El reaching for you but you pushed her away. 

“Woah, woah” Steve stopped you, grabbing your arms gently and standing before you. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t-I can’t” your hands reached for your throat, eyes burning with unshed tears. “Call Billy” you choke out, falling to your knees by the wall. 

“What did she say?” Mike says, confusion evident in his voice. 

“Did she say-” Dustin starts, but you cut him off hurriedly.

“Call Billy” you say, louder and clearer this time.

Robin looks anxiously around the room, everyone wearing the same confused expression.

“You heard the girl, shitheads. Call him” she shouts, crouching before you with Steve to try and calm you. 

Max nods frantically, running to the hall to call Billy. She runs back in, telling you he’s on his way, although clearly still unsure of why you would want to call him. 

The group mutter soothing words to you, scared out of their minds at the state of the girl they adore so much. El is shaking and Max is biting her lip, both of their eyes filled with tears. 

The door burst open, the sound of Billy’s boots echoing through the hallway. The kids all shared concerned looks before he’s in front of them in the doorway. His eyes flicker around the room before they land on your curled up figure and he pushes through the kids to get to you.

“Move, Harrington!” he yells, Steve putting his hands up and obeying, pulling a reluctant Robin up with him. 

Billy placed his hands on your cheeks delicately, tilting your head so you’re looking at him. He smiles softly at you, shushing you.

“Hey, baby, it’s me” he coos, moving your sweaty hair from your face. “You’re okay, just breathe, okay? Breathe with me, can you do that?” he mutters, looking at you expectantly.

You nod slowly at him, hiccuping and hands still shaking. He takes them in one of his, his other hand still on your cheek. He mimics the way you should breathe, gesturing for you to follow him, which you do. The group watch in awe at the way Billy has calmed you so quickly, although still madly confused on what he was doing here.

Your breathing returns back to normal and you fall into Billy’s arms. He rubs your back softly, head resting on top of yours. You turn to the group with a small smile, them staring back at you in shock.

“Thank you for calling him. He’s the only one who can help me when I get those” you whisper, clutching Billy’s hand in yours.

“Are you two..together?” El questions, looking between the two of you with a smile.

“Yeah, we are.” you confirm, Billy looking at you in surprise. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you guys, I guess I was just scared”

“I’m not going to hurt her” Billy chimes in, as if he can sense what an open-mouthed Steve is going to say. “I love her. A lot” he continues, turning to you.

“And I love him” you whisper, kissing his cheek before turning back to the group. 

They are all looking at you with identical grins, Max’s the widest of them all. 

“Do you want to join our movie night?” Dustin asks Billy, your eyes widening at the offer. Billy nods gratefully, standing up, holding his hand out for you to take and pulling you up too. 

“Yeah, thanks” he smiles, an actual genuine smile that shocks the kids. 

El and Max squeal and pull you back onto the couch, asking you questions about Billy and your relationship. You giggle at them, your boyfriend watching you with a grin.

I love this but i onoe that billy wont really reacted this way but its really sweet to see him not so mean:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2022 ⏰

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