Steve Harrington

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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader

summery: Steve being his usual clingy self when you all work at the video place and not letting you get any work done.

Word Count: 695 words

After the events with the Mind Flayer about a month ago, you, Robin and Steve all got jobs at the Family Video store next to the arcade. Well, Steve almost didn’t get the job but you and Robin managed to convince Keith to give him a chance. It was a nice job, you enjoyed being able to work with your boyfriend and your best friend, and you loved movies so what more could you ask for?

Actually, maybe it could be better if Keith didn’t stare at you like a piece of meat everyday and flirt with you whenever Steve wasn’t around but he was harmless. Except for the fact that he refused to let you and Steve work near each other. He claimed it was because being a couple meant you wouldn’t get anything done but you knew that wasn’t the reason.

But, of course, Steve didn’t let that stop him.

You were currently restocking the shelves and rearranging them how Keith wanted when you felt arms wrap around you waist tightly from behind, making you jump. You heard Steve chuckle in your ear and you spun around to slap him gently on the chest.

“Steve!” you whisper-yell, looking around for Keith. 

“Don’t worry about him” his jaw clenches at the thought of his boss who’s always staring at his girl. “Robin’s trying to distract him in the back but we don’t have long”

He presses his lips against yours, causing you to let out a squeal of surprise against him before kissing him back passionately. Your arms wound around his neck and pulled him closer to you. He placed his hands on your hips, pushing you back against the shelves. 

You broke apart for air, him resting his forehead on yours with a soft smile. You giggle and push him away from you gently, shaking your head at him.

“I’ve got to stock these shelves before Keith fires us, Steve” you scold, him pouting at you. “Why are you being so clingy today?” you joke, turning back to the shelves with a small smile. 

His face falls at your words. He’d always been a little insecure of how clingy he was, some of his other girlfriends had said it was annoying and he didn’t want to push you away because of it.

“Do you want me to leave you alone?” he asks, hoping you’ll say no. 

You don’t catch the hint of sadness in his voice and playfully reply,

“Well, I’d like to keep my job”

You turn your head back to him, eyebrows raised teasingly before you see the hurt expression on his face and your smile disappears. You drop the videos in your hand and cradle his face in your hands, turning his head so he’s looking at you, his arms wrapping around your middle.

“Hey, I’m kidding” you coo at him, stroking his face softly. “You know I love it when you’re clingy, it’s adorable” 

His face lights up at this and he has a cheeky little smile on his lips, eyes wide.

“You mean it? It doesn’t annoy you?” he questions, making you smile and shake your head.

“Never” you whisper, pressing your lips to his again quickly. 

“What are the rules Harrington?” 

You close your eyes and bite your lip to stop from laughing as Keith’s voice echoes down the aisle. You look behind Steve to see Keith staring at the two of you with narrow eyes, making you step back and mockingly hold up your hands.

“Sorry, boss” you say, turning back to the shelves with a smile. 

Steve watches you with a grin, before something hits his shoulder and he lets out a yelp.

“What the hell, Keith?” he yells, holding his shoulder as you hold in a laugh.

“Get back to your section, Harrington” Keith retorts, pointing over to the other side of the store with raised eyebrows. 

Steve makes a face at him before reluctantly walking back to his section of the store, Keith following him to make sure he gets there. 

You watch them go with a giggle, shaking your head at your idiotic, clingy boyfriend. But you wouldn’t have him any other way

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