Robin Buckly

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Ice Cream Bonding

Pairing: Robin Buckley x Hopper!Reader

Summery: A fem reader is hoppers daughter and dating robin. Reader is always taking El to visit scoops ahoy for ice cream

Word Count: 1088 words

Pulling into the parking space, El giggles as you finish singing very badly to the song playing. You turn to her with a grin, reaching over to ruffle her hair. You loved her hair; it was getting a lot longer and she always came to you to try new hairstyles on her or even to just do her hair in the morning. Hop wasn’t very good at that stuff; your mom always did your hair but when she left after Sara, he tried his best. You always ended up with knotty hair and it wasn’t your best hair period. Joyce would always laugh when she saw you and since the first time, she would help teach you how to do it yourself.

“You ready to go?” you ask your sister, checking her over to make sure she’s got everything she came with. She nods at you with a smile and the two of you get out of the car. 

Locking the doors, El reaches for your hand and you gladly take it in yours, squeezing it softly. 

“What time is Max meeting you?” you question, glancing at your watch quickly. 

“She said around 1:30” she replies, peering at your watch too. You giggle at her as you knew she couldn’t tell the time properly.

“It’s only 1” you smile, pushing the door to the mall open. “You wanna get some ice cream?” 

Her face lights up, eyes widening. 

“Is Robin working?” her tone is hopeful and your heart melts at how much she loves your girlfriend. You nod your head fondly, a soft smile on your face at the thought of Robin.

“Yeah, she is. Steve is too” 

El’s smile widens as she tightens her grip on your hand and pulls you towards Scoops Ahoy eagerly. She runs up to the counter, where Robin is sitting reading a book. She doesn’t look up as she starts to speak.

“Ahoy, what can I get you-” she says, voice monotonous until she lifts her head and sees you and El smiling at her. “Hey! If it isn’t my favourite girls” 

She jogs around the counter, El letting go of your hand to embrace her warmly. Robin giggles as she returns the hug with the same fondness. You smile at the encounter, biting your lip gently.

Robin grins down at El before turning her attention to you, coming over and pulling you into her, giving you a peck on the lips. You blush and chuckle at her, muttering a small hey.

“Sit down, I’ll bring you your usual” she runs back around the counter, picking up two cones and giving you each two scoops of your favourites. You pull your purse out before she yells at you from behind the counter. “No! Put your money away, it’s on the house” 

You tilt your head at her with a frown as she comes back over to your table, El taking the ice cream with a thank you. 

“Rob, if you keep giving us free ice cream, how are you going to get any money?” you scold her, taking the ice cream that she’s thrusting towards you. 

“We have other customers!” she defends, smirking cheekily at you. “Hey, dingus!” she shouts behind her, taking a seat beside you.

Steve pokes his head through the backroom door, glancing around before his eyes land on your table. “Oh hey Hoppers!” he waves, you and El waving back at him.

“Hey Harrington” you chuckle.

“I’m taking my break, dingues, so your’s is over” Robin informs him, Steve’s eyebrows furrowed. 

“I’ve been on break for like 10 minutes” he retorts, before rolling his eyes and coming behind the counter anyway. “Only because I like those two” he says, winking at you and El.

Robin’s jaw clenches. 

“Don’t wink at my girlfriend, Harrington” she scowls, before turning her attention to you and your sister. “So, what are you two up to?”

“El’s meeting Max here in like 15 minutes so I can take them shopping” you explain, El nodding in agreement whilst eating her ice cream quickly. “El, you’ll get brainfreeze” you warn, raising your eyebrows jokingly, making her slow down. 

“I wish I could come with” Robin whines, placing her head on your shoulder. “I miss hanging out with you guys” she pouts.

You poke her lip playfully, giggling at her. 

“Well, we’re having a sleepover at my place tonight. Why don’t we meet you after your shift and you can come back with us?” you suggest, her eyes lighting up at your offer.

“Yes, that sounds great” she agrees, kissing your cheek before lifting her head from your shoulder. 

The three of you talk between you, you and El finishing your ice cream’s, El catching Robin up on her summer. Robin teased her about Mike, her teasing Robin about you in return. 

You finished laughing at a joke Robin told you before El jumps up from her seat.

“Max!” she exclaims, running to give her best friend a hug. You smile over at the two before Max sees you and Robin and grins. You both stand up and she pulls you into a group hug.

“Hey Max” you grin, rubbing her back fondly. “You ready to go?” you look at the younger girls, both of them nodding eagerly. 

You turn back to your girlfriend’s frowning face and giggle. Tucking a strand of hair behind her hair, you press a quick kiss to her lips before speaking.

“We’ll meet you back here when we’re done?” 

She nods with a smile, stealing another quick kiss before you push her away gently with a smile.

“Get back to work! Bye Steve” you look over her shoulder and wave at the tired boy, him waving back with a smile.

“Bye ladies! Have fun” he replies, before Robin joins him back behind the counter. 

Max and El both take one of your hands, pulling you from the store and heading towards their first destination.


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