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Johan was reading a book in silence as a frantic knock resounded at his door. He looked perplexed because Judai wasn't to return for another week. He closed his book put it on the table before standing up and going to the door to open it. "Huh...? Jun, what are you doing here?"

The teal haired male dressed in a plain baby blue top and black jeans looked at the dressed in black slacks boots and dress shirt as he grasped his knees having ran all the way from his place 4 blocks away from Johan's apartment that he held with a busy brunette who was away on a trip.

"Johan... You have to see this..." Jun pulled the tablet he had in his bag that he had draped over him unlocked the screen and showed him the article on the internet about a explosion on the bridge involving a bus and a collision.

"It... it can't be..." Johan's emerald eyes shook with dismay as his eyes scanned the newfeed. Jun looked at the distraught bluenette. "He was going to surprise you... His bus was in an accident."

Johan read further that everyone made it out of the bus except the savior a young 23 year old army solider Private Yuki Judai never made it off the bus. Johan choked on a sob nearly throwing the tablet at his black haired friend. "GET OUT! It's a lie! Ju-Chan... Ju-Chan can't be dead!" The bluenettes broke wails echoed in the apartment as he buried his hands into his locks before covering his eyes wishing oh so badly he hadn't read the awful news.

"Johan, He's gone!" Jun cried out gripping the bluenette's shoulders. His own heart was quaking from the pain that was jerking through it. Johan clenched his eyes shut as streams of tears fell down his face as he wailed before Jun stopped shaking him to knock sense into him and just held the crying male.

"Ju-chan...!!!" Johan gripped the back of Jun's black shirt as his tears fell into Jun's shirt.

Unbeknownst to the both of them a brunette who stood in the green army uniform he wore that day with his red jacket draped across his shoulder. He watched in pain seeing his beloved sob for his sake.
"Johan..." he whispered his voice unable to reach them both as he tried to touch the two his hand unable to reach them.


A week later a funeral arrangement was made and Judai's closest friends from Duel academy were welcome back to the island. As most of them haven't seen each other since graduation and only a certain few could actually make the time to attend, it ended up being Sho Asuka Fubuki Jim Jun and Kenzan who showed up with Johan having been dragged along by Jun who was an emotional wreck.

Jun had to go into overhaul to make the poor mournful bluenette look half decent for the funeral visit to Duel academy. However a silent presence was in awe of the treatment of his funeral, he still couldn't pass on to the afterlife.

Something kept him grounded and as much as the angels prodded him they couldn't get the brunette to turn his back on his mournful lover and the state he was in.

The last memory he had spent with Johan had been a fight the two had the night before Judai would head off to join the military, a spur of the moment decision that the brunette thought of doing in order to give back to even more people than he could even through dueling.

He never gave up his passion for dueling tho because a week after he had departed for the military Johan had mailed him his deck and duel disc knowing fully well the brunette was homesick.

"Only he would know how big a fibber I am.." he shook his head seeing the package contents while sitting on his bunk. He read the letter smiling seeing Johan's worry and consideration bleed through the written words on the paper. The last words on the paper being, 'my dearest Ju-Chan, I have a surprise waiting for you when you come home so please come back to me in one piece alright?'

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