[~ Unfaithful Cow ~]

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Kawaii Grandma Katherine POV:

A droplet of sweat trickled down my wrinkled forehead, meeting my nose and then dripping to the ground making a quiet splashing sound. With my back hunched over picking up the horse doodoo, I swept my dandruff coated strands into a messy bun. I quickly stood up straight, forgetting I had arthritis, my back made a loud CRACK. The sound echoed through the barn as I let out a "ARgH". I dashed through the fields with my back hunched over Quasimodo style till I finally made it back to the house...

I heard faint rawring coming from inside the house..I reluctantly opened the door, not knowing what I was about to see.. "RAWR" an orange and black cat pounced at me, pushing me to the ground. Lifting up his paw I knew this would be the end..I would die.
"HALT" an old husky voice wheezed out.
My h-husband!
"W-W-WHAT ARE YOU D-DOING H-HERE?.." I gasped out in disbelief

Wacking the tiger away with a stick, he sighed.
"I..needed to come back for something.."
I noticed, he was holding roses in between his toes.
"How sweet <3" I thought to myself.
"A-are those f-for me?.." I stammered out, still my face flushed all shades of pink.
"No, lol" Rodney Replied
What..I stood there silent for a few hours, my eyes bulging out of my face almost hitting the ground.
His face turned blue, head held down in shame.
"They're for J-Joe.." he muttered.
"Joe who?"
"Joe mama"
I rolled my eyes back into their sockets.
"Jk" he said, followed by a burp
"Listen, Smelly bum, after the past few weeks i-"
"You called, baby?" A broken,western voice called out from the hallway.

"Jk" he said, followed by a burp"Listen, Smelly bum, after the past few weeks i-""You called, baby?" A broken,western voice called out from the hallway

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"How are yall today? I'm doing darn diddly mighty fine!" He shouted.
"Erm, hairy bum who's this?" I asked.
"O-oh! Smelly bum! Thats uhh.."
The pink shirted man stepped back in disbelief, tilting his glasses down.
"Ain't Smelly bum my nickname, Rodney?"
"I-I..I- UHHHH...." Racist Grandpa Rodney stammered out, trying to search for another lie to tell.

"Y-y-you're cheating on m-m-me?..."

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