Chapter 2

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Still at the office

"Yazzyyyy" My work best friend Alex yelled. He ran over to my desk with arms wide open like we didn't just see each other last night at this same place.

"He lex." I mugged dryly.

"Bitch I'm bae, don't play with me." He sassed. So extra lol.

"My bad baeee, heyyyy" I said more enthusiastically.

"What wrong with you, you seem so down." He lifted my head up to him and rubbed on my lace. "Oohhh bitch spill it right now"   My hair is always laid, so when it's messed up just know it's something wrong.

"You are so annoying" I laughed. "But Devyn isn't coming around and I don't know that to do. We kinda had good sex today, then it kinda got bad, then he kinda just left me there.

"That's a lot of kinda's  Jaz, you think he's gay? I don't mind helping you test that theory" he smirked

"Watch it heffa" I pointed to his face then we both laughed. "But seriously, It's like he loves me then again he doesn't, I'm just so confused, and he's so unpredictable.

"I say take him out and see where his head is at, maybe he'll open up, cause somethings got to be going on with him.  your too Valuable to be treated like nothing Pooh, and I can wait for you to get out of here , so I can work in the salon GIRLLLL.!"

"Aww thank you mooch", I kissed his cheek "and omg I think I found the perfect location, look." I pulled out my phone and showed him and we got lost in the moment. I've wanted to open an all black salon where everyone can come in and get everything done at one time, hair,nails,feet,body waxes, eyebrow, lashes, and maybe put a mini beauty supply in there.

"Ahemmm" Connor cleared his voice.  I looked up and put my phone away.

"Every time I come out here, why is it that you two are always on the phone. Every time. That's not what I hired you here for!"He shouted. He's always disliked me because Keith hired me over some skinny white woman, who I'm sure he would've had his way with. He hates that he can't get to me.

"Mr.Connor if you must know that was my 45 minute break sir. I've worked all day for you so please."

"45! You get thirty damn minutes! Where the hell is Keith, your out of line!." Again, me not fazed by his actions I simply responded.

"No sir, we get 15. Minutes bathroom break, and 30 minute lunch. I worked through those times, so now I can relax and take it. Now here are your files for next week, and you have a meeting with Shakim Compere tomorrow morning at 8 about funding for a new location." I got up to hand him his stack of papers.

"He snatched them from my hand and went back into his office.

"The asshole was too stunned to speak" Alex joked.

"Please, he knows I'm the best damn secretary he's ever had, I gets my work done." I said and we shared a long laugh. I began packing up my stuff and heading out to my car. Then Devyn called me

"Where you at?." He scolded.

"I'm just leaving the office baby, what's wrong?"

"Why the fuck are you still there it's 9 pm, you should've been home, I'm hungry."

"I texted you earlier that I was working late, and there's lasagna in the fridge from yesterday."

"You think I'm fucking stupid, answer this fucking FaceTime right now" he spoke aggressively.

In the parking lot.

"See I literally just walked out the building, what's wrong with you?"

"Ain't shit wrong with me, you probably out there being a fucking hoe, hurry up and get your ass in this house."

"First of all don't talk to me like that. Never have I given you a reason to call me out my name or suspicions of cheating, never. So cut that shit out. You know I love you and only you." My tone went from harsh to soft, because I truly love this man and can't imagine life without him. I'd do anything to make him happy.

"Man whatever, just come the fuck home." He said nonchalantly. He hung up and I just began to cry. How can someone one say they love you and treat you so badly. It just makes no sense. The more I thought of our relationship failing the more I cried.

I then felt someone holding me. Assuming it was Alex because he was never too far behind me when I leave I just continued to cry. It wasn't until I calmed down that I noticed it wasn't him. This man was too skinny and way taller. Finally I looked up and saw him.

"There's always pain behind a beautiful smile. I'm sorry, but I just had to hold you. Whatever your going through I hope it gets better for you Ma."

"I- You- It's okay. Thank you, I guess I really needed that." I began wiping my face. "Eww so you saw my ugly cry, and my eyes are puffy, I should get going." I moved from his grasp turning back to face my car.

"Hold on Baybeh, you look beautiful still. There's really no difference, your perfect." As he looked at me from head to toe surveying my body and face. "And what your really need is a vacation. I heard how Connor spoke to y'all today, I handled it.

"Um thank you. It was nice meeting you..."

"August. You forgot me already damn."

"Sorry just in a slump. But thank you August"

"Wait let me see your phone." Confused I gave him my phone and he put his number in it.
"Daddy Aug😩 💦" I laughed so hard, because I know Alex would kill me if he seen another dude named daddy in my phone. Devyn isn't even saved like that.

"I'm gonna have to change this okay, Alex would freak and I have a man."

"You sure about that, I'm sorry for being nosy but I overheard your conversation ma, let a real nigga teach you something" he spoke stepping closer to me, and kissed me on my neck. The way my knees just buckled for a random stranger is crazy. But I had to stay faithful. I Pushed him back some.

"Sorry, I love my man, we've been together for 8 years, this is just another bump in the road. It was a nice offer though."I turned to get into my car again, leaving him there drooling.

"I respect it ma. You got my number if you need anything don't hesitate to call me. And one more thing, Aug always gets what he wants." He smirked liking those fine ass lips. "Drive safe Luv". He kissed his hand and placed it on my window and walked away.

As I drove home, it finally hit me that August was applying pressure. I'm way too faithful to Dev, because wow. I wonder if I came up as stuck up to him. I kinda want that, I don't want him getting any impressions. Devyn's just upset that Im not home to be with him right. wouldn't act out like this if if was there right. The thoughts replayed in my head with different outcomes and conclusions each time until I got home.

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