Chapter 4: Michael Afton

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He walked into his bedroom and over to his corkboard. He searched for the blueprints to the original Freddy and Funtime Freddy, he had gotten them from his father's house after he went missing and the police had finally left. Once found he took them off the board and brought them back to his living room. He was surprised at the fact that the boy, Gregory is what it had called him, was actually sitting in the chair like he had told him to.

"I found some blueprints from other versions of Freddy, I'm not sure if these will help but they're all I have," he said, setting the blueprints on a small side table next to Gregory. Michael then walked over to his small kitchen and opened the cabinet under the sink looking for a toolbox he knew was down there.

"Why does this one look like there's a child inside of it? I thought you said kids aren't supposed to go inside of the animatronics," Gregory asked, Michael, looked over and saw he had picked up the blueprint for Funtime Freddy.

"They're not," he replied sadly and then went back to what he was doing.

"But then why is there a kid in this one? You can't just show me this and then not answer my questions," Gregory started as he walked across the room towards Michael, "I don't get why you're be- Your eyes are glowing... Why are your eyes glowing?" Micheal looked up after finally finding the toolbox.

What do I tell him? I can't tell him the truth...

"A work accident, that's what happened to me. I don't know what to say about the blueprint. I don't fully understand what my Father was doing yet," He stood up and walked back to the animatronic.

"Why are you being so secretive? I know you're not telling the truth," Gregory said, following Michael back to Freddy.

Michael sighed, "There's a kid in the blueprint because that thing was build to capture and kill little kids like you,"

"So that's why you were so worried about me climbing into Freddy. Well don't worry Freddy wouldn't hurt me he's been helping me survive the night before we got here," Gregory replied confidently. Michael just stared at him for a moment.

"What do you mean 'survive the night'? You can't mean..." Michael said not moving from his spot on the ground and continued to stare at the boy hoping what he thought he meant wasn't true.

"There's this rabbit lady that's been chasing me and all the animatronics have been trying to get me. Other than Freddy of course," Gregory said like all of this should have been obvious.

"And what about a security guard? Isn't there someone there to watch the animatronics?"

"Officer Vannesa is there but I don't trust her. She locked me in the lost and found a few hours ago, the rabbit lady almost got me,"

"Oh... Well, do you have any ideas on how to fix Freddy?" Michael asked, gesturing to the bear laying on his floor.

"There's a giant machine in parts and service at the PizzaPlex that does all the repairs. I used it to fix Freddy after he got his head taken off, " Gregory said and then added quietly, "and to upgrade him."

"So the PizzaPlex is where you and Freddy came from?"

"Yeah, Freddy Fazbear's Mega PizzaPlex."

"Okay, I'll try and figure something out to fix him but in the meanwhile maybe you could try and find something to watch. I think I have some movies you might like on VHS," Gregory just stared at him, Michael sighed and then walked over to a shelf that held his small collection of VHS tapes. He took one off and put it in the VHS player and turned it on.

"There, you can watch that while I work on Freddy," Gregory nodded at him and then started watching the TV.

Michael Afton Meets GregoryWhere stories live. Discover now