Chapter 5: Glamrock Freddy

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He was in a small room, it seemed like some kind of office. In front of him was a computer screen with a list of tasks pulled up, was this for him to do? Did he already do all of this? To his left and right were two open vents. He looked down at himself and found he didn't look like himself. He was wearing yellow dress pants, a blue collared shirt, a yellow vest, and a black tie.

Who was he?

He lifted a hand up and found that it was purple. Like Michael, the strange purple man that had seemed strangely familiar. He turned off the computer and saw his reflection on its surface. He was Michael, or at least he looked like the man. There was a female voice in the vents that sounded familiar but Freddy couldn't place it anywhere. This all seemed so familiar but nothing made sense.

You are not you.

Another voice started talking, "Elizabeth" that's the first voice's name. Why does he feel like he should know who she is? Why is she so important?

A little girl with ginger hair, a pink shirt, and a blue skirt. Are these memories? These are not mine... are they?

The little girl walked into his room. But it's not my room. My room is in the PizzaPlex. She was holding instructions, instructions to build a fox. He told her to leave, when she didn't he pushed her out himself. Shutting his door in her face.

Another memory, this one in a different place, it was dark and it seemed like he was under something. He couldn't tell what it was however. His vision was obscured by something, a mask maybe. He wondered how long he would have to wait. What am I waiting for? The lights turned on and someone entered the room. He slid out from under the bed and scared the kid that had entered the room. Is that Gregory?

No, it's Evan.

Is he okay?

Evan started to cry while he started laughing. The boy curled up in a ball on the floor grabbing a plushie from a pile of four on the ground. One of them was a red fox, Foxy, that had its head ripped off. Why are you showing me this?

You have to remember.

But I am not this man, I am only sentient because of my AI.

Why don't you believe me, these are your memories, Michael. You have to finish what you started, you have to get rid of HIM so that we can all rest.

Get rid of who?

It was another memory he was on a checkered floor, in his arms he held Evan. The boy was bleeding, his hair covered in the crimson liquid. He should be taken to a first aid station immediately. He is injured, he is broken. I still do not understand who am I to get rid of?

Turn around.

He turned his head around to find a man standing behind tables with red table cloths. He had brown hair and had on a white dress shirt and a yellow bow tie. His eyes were a blueish gray color. He started somberly in his direction and then noticing Freddy or Michael staring at him he smiled. Father. My father...

Do you remember?

I do.

Then he woke up.

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