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~Soaring through the sky
She shines like a gem
I wish I could fly
And never reach the end
A meteor on a journey somewhere far away
She knows where to go
But for now she's here to stay
She's something I have to show
But watch carefully before she flies away~

Excerpt from: Shooting Star
By: Supernova

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Shoto rushed to finish her makeup look, adding eyeliner took the longest so now she didn't have much time to waste on lips and mascara.

She applied a quick swipe of glittery lipgloss and ran out of the dressing room, where her friends were waiting backstage for the candy cane girl.

Momo scolded the younger for losing track of time again and Todoroki just rolled her eyes, she wasn't late so what was the big deal?

"-and Interstellar is going to be watching our performance tonight so you have
to-" She tuned in to what the back haired girl was saying when she heard the name 'Interstellar', they weren't rival groups. In fact they got along really well and had done several shows together! So why did this scare Shoto as much as at did?

It's simple, their leader, Bakugo Katsuki. He intimidated the girl, he didn't get nervous when performing, he had amazing vocal control, he was handsome as hell, and he was practically everything any girl or guy could ever want. If we ignore his slight anger issues that is...

Todoroki had always admired him for that, singing and playing the guitar came so naturally to him. She hoped he thought of her as a good singer, in fact the very thought of him being proud of her made her heart leap. But she wasn't in love with him, that would be preposterous as he already had a girlfriend.

An American, Naomi Johnson, she was always posting about the luxurious places Bakugo brought her to. She flaunted the bags and clothes he bought her everywhere she went, and worst of all, she clung to him like tape to itself.

The only time he was without her was when he was performing or in the bathroom, well Shoto wasn't even 100% sure she let the man use the bathroom alone.

So knowing this, Todoroki swore to herself that she would never fall in love with the hot-headed blond. Never ever.

One tiny problem...both of their fandoms shipped them. It was bad. There were hundreds of fanfics, thousands of fanart posts, and millions of people posting their theories about the two's relationship on Twitter and Instagram.

Neither had ever really talked about that issue, and Naomi hasn't stumbled across that part of their fandoms yet. Unless she has and that's why she's so clingy, she hasn't brought up the matter though.

All of their friends silently agreed to never bring up that issue out of fear of Bakugo and Naomi's reaction. They assumed Shoto wouldn't be bothered by it. The girl was very level-headed.

Back to the group, they stepped onto the stage and the cheers of their fans kept growing louder until you couldn't even hear yourself talking.

Todoroki picked up the mic and the cheers suddenly stopped awaiting for the start of tonight's song: Wish I was you (Venus)

Saw you walking by the bar last night,
Wondered why you looked so drunk and high
Knowing it was just an act
So to you I'll always turn my back

If you think I care about what you want
Then check that twice like Santa Claus
I hope you aren't serious in saying your life is going astray
If you want my help you better beg and pray

You think people like who you are,
Keep dreaming cause reality isn't the best
You say you suck at life but honestly
it's obvious that that's a jest
Smile through the pain they said
and it seemed to worked just fine

But if I tell you I'm okay then you know that I'm lying
And I know it's hard to think that this is true
But let's be real darling,
I wish I was you

Somewhere in the crowd, a blond boy was staring at peppermint haired girl. While a brown-haired girl intertwined their hands, he paid no mind to her, his eyes were quite obviously somewhere else.

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