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(A/N: How i feel updating a book no one remembers only cause I like writing the silly little lyrics 🤭)

~ Pretty little thing now her lips are bright red
Her purple lipstick smeared all over my bed
Double trouble, cosmic couple
(Babe don't cry you were my favorite hustle)
Aim for my heart
like y'know what you're doing
Aim for the stars
cause like you they're shooting
Hold on tight,
cause the meteor's coming
Knock you out,
bet you saw this shit coming~

Excerpt from: Aim for the stars
By: Interstellar

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"So, the message?" Shouko began after they had properly situated themselves on the bench. Bakugo sighed, leaning back, almost contemplating whether he should just leave and forget this whole thing.

"It was nothing really just wanted to apologize for leaving early.." He mumbled. "I wanted to stay but Naomi didn't feel well so I had to take her home"

Todoroki was surprised, in all her years of working alongside Bakugo he had never once apologized to her for anything.

"It's okay Bakugo, I get it, she's your girlfriend" The peppermint-haired girl, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled softly.

"Yeah but you're my best friend." The blond insisted. Shouko gaped at his words, 'BEST FRIEND? SINCE WHEN?!'

"O-Oh um..I didn't realize you saw me like that." She stuttered, trying to figure out what the appropriate response to this situation was.

"Yeah well it's true. We've been through thick and thin together."


"You should produce these songs Bakugo they're really good!" A 10-year old Shouko said to a 13-year old Katsuki.

"Shut up Halfie. They aren't that good." The red-eyed male grumbled.

"I pinky swear they are! I'll even sing them for you if you want" She insisted, sticking out her pinky finger towards her childhood friend.

The older wordlessly interlocked them before his mom called them inside for dinner

"Yeah we have been through a lot" Shouko amended, fiddling with her headphones.

"So...you like my music~" Her friend teased. A devious smirk growing in his face

"Oh shut up!" She groaned, covering her face with her hands as Katsuki let out fits of laughter.

"Well since her majesty loves those songs so much I'll be sure to tell the guys to include them in the tour list" The vermillion-eyed male declared, to both Todoroki's delight and embarrassment.

"Thanks I guess.." She grumbled, ever since Bakugo had gotten with Naomi they never had the chance to chill like this. And Shouko understood, she had no problem staying away from Katsuki to make sure Naomi felt secure in their relationship. But she had to admit it felt nice having her best friend back.

"But I need you to promise me something too"

She perked up hearing this, and tilted her head curiously.

"What's what?"

"You'll be my partner for the duo dances." Oh right. The duo dances. During their tour they had organized to perform some new songs that featured both groups so they would all be up on stage dancing and singing. And naturally at some points they would need to pair up with a member of the other group for the dance.

"Yes, I'll be your partner."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27 ⏰

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