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~With Kai~

Since my match last night, I was feeling a bit of a headache due to the blood loss from the stomp onto the steel steps. I decided to take some aspirin and get ready for today because Hunter said that Kaori, Masami, and I were taking the day off to spend time together, which I thought was a good idea.

I showered, dressed, and went down to have some breakfast with my sister and best friend, but I was feeling something in my stomach for sometime. It wasn't a stomachache or anything.

It was whenever I'm around Masami, I feel my heart fluttering. I think I need to tell her at some point and I think she'll understand, but I have to talk to Kaori about it while it's just the two of us.

Speaking of whom, I saw Kaori walking towards me with a tray of breakfast.

Kaori: おはよう、カイ。 (Good morning, Kai.)

Me: おはようございます。 (Good morning, sister.)

We hugged as she sat down with me and we started eating.

Me: マサミはどこですか? (Where's Masami?)

Kaori: 彼女はまだ昨夜の後に寝ています。 (She's still sleeping after last night.)

Me: それは意味があります。 また、これがあなたにこれを伝えるための適切な時期だと思います、カオリ。 (That makes sense. Also, I think it's the right time to tell you this, Kaori.)

Kaori: それは何ですか? (What is it?)

Me: 私はマサミと恋に落ち始めました。 (I'm starting to fall in love with Masami.)

Kaori: あなたはいますか? (Are you?)

Me: ええ、しかし彼女は彼女の婚約者と別れたところ、私は彼女を悪くしたくない。 (Yeah, but she just broke up with her fiancé, I don't want to make her feel bad.)

Kaori: 聴く、カイ、マサミはあなたの他の姉妹と見なされています。 あなたが彼女に感情を持って始めたことを彼女に言ったならば少し奇妙に感じるかもしれません。 (Listen, Kai, Masami is considered your other sister. It might feel a bit weird if you told her that you started having feelings for her.)

Me: 私は知っている。 私は彼女がどのように反応するかわからない。 (I know. I just don't know how she'll react.)

Kaori: 私は知っています。 彼女は私たちの親友です、私は彼女が理解することを知っています。 (I know it. She's our best friend, I know that she'll understand.)

Me: 彼女がいないのなら何がありますか (What if she doesn't?)

Kaori: それから私はそれを彼女に説明します。 カイ、あなたは私の双子の兄弟で、私はあなたを愛しています。 状況に関係なく、私はあなたのそばにいることを知ってほしいです。 私はあなたを助けるので私はこれらのような問題であなたを一人にしておくつもりだとは思わないでください。 (Then I'll explain it to her. Kai, you're my twin brother, and I love you. I want you to know that I'm by your side, no matter the situation. Don't think I'm gonna leave you alone in problems like these because I will help you.)

Me: ありがとうカオリ。 私を聞いて聞いて本当に感謝します。 (Thanks Kaori. I really appreciate you hearing me out.)

Kaori: あなたは私の兄弟、もちろんあなたに耳を傾けるでしょう。 (You're my brother, of course I'll listen to you.)

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