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~With Kai~

Well, we made it to Connecticut for NXT Takeover: XXV as the two out of three falls match between myself and Matt was coming to a head.

As we got to the arena, I didn't feel nervous or anything, but I did feel excited by the match and how the finish was going to go. Matt and I didn't meet up because we wanted to go by ear and see how we could entertain everyone in their seats

We were the second match on the card, which I can work with, it's not a problem, but soon enough, I'd like to be in the main event for the NXT Title.

~Second Match~

Since I was going to go second after Matt, I made sure I had my towel and gear on, so I could make sure I can make my entrance towards the ring.

Masami came with me in case I needed to have my nerves get settled down, which I really appreciate.

I don't know how Masami is that loyal to me. I just can't get enough of her!

Masami was also in her new tracksuit. Rather than the regular NXT tracksuit, she wore...

 Rather than the regular NXT tracksuit, she wore

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Yes, that's our new tracksuit design and when we're not wrestling, we're gonna be wearing that, but we will have our gear on underneath it

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Yes, that's our new tracksuit design and when we're not wrestling, we're gonna be wearing that, but we will have our gear on underneath it.

Once we were ready, my theme played and the crowd immediately booed as I smiled and wait for the second part of the first verse to be sung.

For our entrance together, we won't be holding hands. What we're going to do is look menacing and sadistic as Masami has a few ideas to heel up her new look.

After the 0:30 mark had hit, we entered as I smiled with such evil, everyone had to boo me some more!

Announcer: The following contest is a two out of three falls match, being accompanied to the ring by Io Shirai, from Yamaguchi, Japan, weighing at 104 kilos, "The Prodigy", REN HOSAKO!

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