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~With Kai; March 4, 2020; 10 Minutes Later~

Kyle, unlike Strong and Fish, he's been giving me a good fight!

Unlike the last time we fought, he was really just doing whatever he could to make me tap and lose, especially when my opportunity to challenge Adam for the NXT title is on the line.

Instead of staying down, I kept fighting by chopping and forearming him. When I gave him a forearm to his face, he staggered, I snapmared him in the middle of the ring, I sat him up, ran to the ropes, and kicked his chest, making the fans at Full Sail cringe!

I covered Kyle but when he kicked out at 2, I immediately went after the arm and started to perform small joint manipulation.

As I was about to perform my signature armlock setup, Adam, Strong, and Fish had to run out to try and stop me!

I was able to get out of the hold for now and then forearm them off the apron until the Broserweights came out to even the odds, and we were outnumbered, but I have a shock for everyone after this, which will happen sometime very soon.

As I was occupied with Kyle, who was still reeling from the painful holds that I've been giving him, I decided to put the Sleeper on him, just so I could join Matt and Pete in the fight and quite surprisingly, O'Reily was weak and limp.

So, I performed my Brainbuster and covered him...

Crowd: ONE! TWO! THR—

Just as I was about to win the match, Adam had to ambush me from behind and cause a DQ, give the ref no choice but to call for the bell!

Masami, who was out here with me, didn't know what to do since all four of them were trying to beat me down!

Pete and Matt tried to stop him by getting into the ring, but Roddy and O'Reily took them out of the equation almost instantly as there was nobody to help me and I won't be able to get to Tampa Bay and challenge Adam Cole for the NXT strap.


You see, I'm always one step ahead of these dumbasses because I managed to bring over someone who I'm very close to and the timing of this happened to work out really well between his schedule with New Japan and my path towards the NXT Championship.

Hell, I even got Hunter to approve of the guy I'm bringing in to help the Broserweights and myself out for a couple weeks! I even said he can enter the Full Sail arena whenever the time is correct because I trust him with my life.

Even Masami knows who I brought in to help us out as our guy, he got the approval from New Japan to finally come be with us, not just in NXT, but to spend time with Masami, Kaori, and myself.

When O'Reily, Fish, and Strong picked me up and had me on my knees while spreading my arms out, I started laughing like a psychopath, and Adam was confused and terrified at the same time!

I even decided to yell this out...


He was going to, but when he lifted the title up and set me up for hitting me with the belt, the lights went out as I kept laughing!

Renallo: Wait! What the hell is going on!

Phoenix: Why are the lights out?!

McGuiness: I don't know, something's not right here!

Then, the guy's theme played as everyone turned their attention away from the ring to the titantron as it started to show the video as the lights went up just for a bit and the it all turned blue...

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