Chapter 18

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All of a sudden...
Sam gets on one knee and he pulls out a ring.

"I know I would ask you this ever since we've said our first 'I love you's' and I decided now, I want to ask." Sam started sobbing.

"Will- will you be my w-wife Eleuthera Daniels?"

I started to cry and I put my hand up to my chest. Everyone was shocked, except Peyton and Marly were holding in their screams and holding each others hands.

I looked down at Sam and I see the engagement ring being held by his shaky hands. His face was tear stained. I realized he needed an answer.


He looked at me and everyone went even more silent than before. I swear everyone was holding their breath.


Sam slid the ring on my finger and we were both in tears. He came up and hugged me, and he spun me around. Everyone was either cheering, crying, in shock, or all of the above.

Peyton and Marly were crying and they got it on video. Sam pulled away and kissed me passionately. His hands caressed my face as I held onto his wrists. We both looked at the ring, amazed. Who knew the boy who lived next door would end up...
being my husband?

Everyone came running to us and we all had a group hug. Marly and Peyton stood up on a table and yelled for our attention. "GUYS! All right, stop. We weren't actually invited to VidCon. Well we were, it just doesn't start for another week. Tonight, we have a dinner reserved for all of us to celebrate Sam and El's engagement." We cheered and Sam kissed my cheek.

We each went to our rooms, Peyton and I shared a room, and we got our dresses picked out for tonight.
Once we closed the door to do our hair, Peyton and I looked at each other for 5 seconds, then we started laughing. She hugged me and said,
"I may not have known you for long, but you are truly my best friend. Fuck, you're getting married! And you helped me with Max, you've just been there. So thank you." I fanned my face because I was starting to tear up again and I just put my make up on. "Pey, I should be the one thanking you! You're my Marilyn, what would I do without you? God, I might not even be here right now if you weren't here."

Sam walked in and smiled. "Ladies almost ready?" I nodded and we finished up our hair. We walked out of the penthouse and I rested my head on Peyton's shoulder as we sat in the car taking us to the restaurant.
Once we got there, we all sat down and everyone instantly started smiling. Max stood up with his glass and cleared his throat. "Okay, so we are here to celebrate El and Sam finally coming together as such forgiving people they are. Seeing the love that is so powerful and endless, it makes me inspired to do the same." Max looked down at Peyton and I saw her blush. "To El and Sam, together as one!"

Everyone rose their glasses and said, "To El and Sam, together as one." They all took their knifes and tapped them against their glasses, signaling for Sam and I to kiss. Sam grabbed my waist and kissed me, and everyone cheered. Even people that weren't even sitting with us.
We sat and ate and talked the whole time, and then it was time for us to head back. Once we did, I went to Sams room and I sat with him on his bed on my phone.

I went on Twitter and I saw my timeline was blown up with tweets about me because someone got a picture of me walking into the restaurant. And the ring was the first thing you spotted on my finger.
I decided to tell them tomorrow since it was getting kind of late.

"I really am sorry for everything. You know I love you right?" I looked up at Sam. "Of course. I love you too. Now and forever right?" He smiled and pulled me close to his side. "You and me. Waiting for you defiantly payed off didn't it?" I nodded. "Guess we kind of waited for each other didn't we?" Sam kissed my nose. "I can't believe I'll be calling you my wife soon."

"We make a pretty good team don't we Samuel?"
Sam smiled. "Wait, I forgot something."
I looked at him confused. Sam got up and grabbed a small Tiffany blue box with a bow out of his drawer. He gave it to me. "Sam what's this?" He sat back down and he sat behind me so he could wrap his arms around me. "Open it and you'll see." He whispered.

I untied the blue bow and I slowly opened the box, to see a key.
"What's this key for?"
Sam hugged me tighter and he said, "Will you move in with me?"
I smiled and responded,
"Where would we even move in?"

Sam smirked. "El, were sitting in it right now."
My eyes went wide. "Sam, how much even is this place??"

"Doesn't matter, as long as you're happy that's all that matters." I rested my head on his chest. "How did I get so lucky?"
Sam kissed the top of my head. "That's a question I ask myself everyday. I guess, just because everyone deserves something lucky in their lives."

(to be completely honest with all of you I was kind of freaking out when I wrote the last few chapters. lol I know this is literally cheesy and awkward but I think the story is almost done😭😭😭 but I am writing a new story. I just need your help on who...
I wanted to do
Jack Gilinsky
but I have no idea😕😕 but thank you for reading... again. love your comments and votes!)

Waiting For You // sequel to N&FWhere stories live. Discover now