Chapter 1 - Comfortable

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My ears rang as my alarm started blaring. I groaned as I rolled over to press snooze for the third time that morning, I went back to my previous position and started to drift off again. That was until I felt wet kisses being spread all around my face. I opened my eyes to see, Arlo, my light gray Pitt staring back at me with her ocean blue eyes and her tail going 90. How she always managed to have so much energy at 6 AM is beyond me. 

"Good morning birthday girl," I giggled as I tried to push her off of me, it didn't work and she continued to lick me. "Fine fine I'll get up now."

I put on my slippers and walked out of my room to feed both Arlo and myself. As I approached the kitchen I could already smell some sort of food being made. 

"Levi? You're never up this early am I dreaming right now?" Levi is my best friend and now roommate that I have known since elementary school. We've been through so much together and I trust him with my life. 

"First, that's not true SJ and you know it. Second, I have a 7 o'clock class that's why I'm awake. Third, I made us breakfast so stop being a bitch or you won't get any." he said as he started to put the pancakes on two plates. 

"Okay sorry I'll stop thank you for making us food" I laughed while walking over to fill up Arlo's food bowl.

We all three ate together while we talked about our plans for the day and after I helped Levi wash the dishes. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and wandered back to my room to put on my matching violet sports bra and leggings along with my white running shoes. Arlo was of course following close behind me the entire time as she always does. I went to go grab her leash and clipped it onto her collar, I yelled bye to Levi as I left our apartment. I put in my earbuds and put on 'Something' by The Beatles as I started my run. This was Arlo and I's favorite part of the day, for me because it was relaxing and I got to get out into nature, for Arlo just because she got to run and see her friends after.

I started to slow down as we approached the dog park, slowing down was nearly impossible though because Arlo kept pulling me with her trying to get there as fast as possible. I entered and shut the gate behind me while also taking off her leash. I giggled as she took off the second she realized she was free. I wandered over to a bench I spotted and started people watching as the park was in a very busy area. I turned around when I heard someone burst into a fit of laughter. When I found out where it was coming from I saw Arlo on top of some guy smothering him in kisses.

I ran over to try and get her off, "Oh my god I'm so sorry she has no sense of what personal space is," I giggled. 

"Don't worry about it I can't complain about a cute girl randomly kissing me," the boy said as he continued to laugh, "I'm Sam by the way I don't think I've seen you here before." 

I finally allowed my eyes to shift to him as I was busy trying to get Arlo to calm down. I would be lying if I said I wasn't taken back a bit by the extremely handsome guy standing before me. Or rather over me seeing as I'm 5' 2". He had brown hair that flowed down to his shoulders, deep honey brown eyes, and a face that looked like it was sculpted by God himself. 

"I'm Samira Jade but everyone calls me SJ," I smiled as I put my hand out to shake his, "I'm here a lot so maybe you just didn't notice." 

He studied my face for a second, "No there's no way I could miss a pretty face like yours." So he's a flirt? I giggled and looked away in an attempt to hide my flushed cheeks.

"So which one is yours?" I asked trying to switch the topic. 

"The brown and black one right there," he pointed, "that's my girl, Takoa, she just turned one today." 

With a shocked expression on my face, I looked back at him, "No way it's Arlo's first birthday today too!" 

We continued to talk a lot, it's usually hard for me to open up to people about my personal life but with him, I just felt so...comfortable? Conversation flowed so easily with him that not one awkward moment came between us. He told me about his band that consisted of him, his two brothers, and his childhood best friend that he didn't forget to mention many times that he is also a brother just not by blood. I thought it was cute. I was thinking of telling him about me and my music but that's something I rarely even share with Levi let alone a stranger. My music is a very personal thing to me and I prefer to keep it private.

"Oh shit, I completely lost track of time I need to get back home. It was nice meeting you though Sam." I said as I called Arlo over to me who seemed to be having a blast with Takoa. I guess I wasn't the only one who hit it off with someone. 

"Before you go, do you think I could get your number? The dogs seem to love each other maybe we can set up a play date for them," he said shyly. 

I tried to hide my smile as I realized that probably wasn't the only reason he was asking for my number. "Yeah, they would love that," I said as I handed him my phone. We said our goodbyes and I headed off back home. Usually running takes my mind off of everything, but for some reason, Sam was the only thing I could think of.

How did I just meet this guy and he's already taking over every inch of my brain? 

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