Chapter 12 - Caught

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One Month Later

The last month was full of helping Sam recover from the crash. He ended up having three broken ribs and a really bad concussion. This meant for the first 48 hours he needed to stay away from loud noises along with other things. Sam being Sam none of us could keep him from playing music so the concussion just got worse. Eventually, we managed to lock his instruments away because if we hadn't he definitely wouldn't have gotten better. He found them two days later.

Things between Jake and I have been more than uncomfortable and awkward. I tried my best to stay away from him but sometimes it was just unavoidable. Sam has refused to say more than a couple of words to him, which is understandable. When he did talk to him it resulted in a stupid fight over nothing. I just don't understand how he could forgive me completely in a matter of days and he couldn't do it for his brother. I felt guilty knowing that I'm the main reason for their relationship slowly falling apart.

Josh and I have become very close. We bonded over our love for music and film. He's even helped me write a couple of songs recently. His mind never failed to amaze me, not to mention he's probably one of the sweetest guys I've ever met. He's also helped me break out of my shell and convinced me to put a couple of my songs on Soundcloud. He has been the peacekeeper between Jake and Sam and has even helped me by letting me know when Jake left their hangouts or practices.

I had just gotten out of the shower and was looking for an outfit to wear for Sam and I's date tonight. He always kept our dates a secret but luckily this time I managed to convince him to tell me. He was taking me to a Mexican restaurant as a way to "connect to my roots again since I've been surrounded by a bunch of white guys". I decided on an oversized sweatshirt that I tucked into my shorts paired with my white vans. I let my hair air dry and let my curls do whatever they wanted. I kissed both Levi and Arlo on my way out and was met with my beautiful boy standing outside of his car with a bouquet of flowers. He gets me flowers every time we go on a date and I think it's the cutest thing ever. 

We got to the restaurant and ordered our food. I made sure to make fun of him for ordering a basic bean burrito. We talked and laughed for a while before he brought up a serious topic out of the blue.

"Mira, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, what's up?" I silently prayed it wasn't about the Jake situation.

"You once told me you were put into less than ideal situations at a young age. If you're willing to talk to me about it I'm all ears," I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding

"Um..yeah, It's kind of a lot but you asked for it. I guess it started with my first relationship, I was 17 and he was a piece of shit, to say the least. Not many people have to go through an abusive relationship and especially not at that age-"

"Wait abusive like...physically?"

"Mhm...and he was 21. Illegal I know, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess that's kind of my fault."

"What? No, it wasn't, what the fuck was that guy thinking?"

"Good question I wish I had the answer for you," I laughed.

"Okay, we don't have to talk about him anymore because it's starting to piss me off, what else is there?"

"Um well, there's my ex-girlfriend but-"

"Samira why do I not know anything about you I didn't know you were..."

"Bisexual," I giggled

"Right I didn't want to assume but go on," he looked away nervously, he's adorable.

"What I was going to say was that one went bad because of me being an idiot. I got in with some really bad people and started doing...drugs. I ended up cheating on her," now I was the one looking away from him.

"Oh...well thank you for opening up to me about it," I nodded still not looking at him. "Hey seriously it's okay, we're past that now," he said while grabbing my hands.

We flowed back into a less serious conversation and he even opened up to me about some things from his past. We started talking about taking a trip and renting a cabin for next week as a little writing retreat with us and the rest of the boys. We always worked best when we put our minds together.

One Week Later

We got to the cabin a couple of hours ago and finally settled in. We all sat in the living room with our instruments out surrounded by papers with lyrics that were written but didn't make the cut. We ordered pizza for everyone and sat around chatting for a bit before deciding to call it a night seeing as we were exhausted from the drive. Sam and I went to our room and were getting ready for bed when I told him I was going to get some water before we fall asleep. I walked into the kitchen and was met with Jake sitting at the counter. I got a glass from the cabinet and went to the fridge to fill it hoping my ignoring him would stop him from talking to me. It didn't.

"Couldn't stay away from me huh?"

"Jake stop we aren't doing that anymore," I swear this water couldn't go any slower.

"Doing what?"

"That thing you do," I waved my hand.

"I'm not doing anything baby."

"Seriously stop it, I'm not kidding," I felt hands wrap around my waist and turned around so fast I almost dropped my glass "What are you doing?"

"I know you feel the way I do, so why are we holding back?"

"I don't feel any way about you, there is nothing to hold back," I  said looking away and trying to push him off me.

He grabbed my chin and lifted it to meet his eyes, "Look at me in my eyes and tell me you feel absolutely nothing." I stayed silent for a minute and in the blink of an eye, Jake's lips were tangled in mine. 

"What's taking you so- what the fuck are you guys doing?" I didn't have to look to know it was Sam.

I pushed Jake away as hard as I could sending him into the counter, "Sam I-"

"I can't believe you, after everything we talked about, really?" He started to walk away and I followed.

"Sam please listen, I didn't do anything it was Jake I swear."

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"Yes, I do! I told you what happened after that night why wouldn't I tell you now?" I was still following behind him as he got closer to our room.

"You got caught! You didn't tell me anything, and now that I think about it I remember you saying you should go to the guest room so no one suspects anything. Would you have told me if I didn't catch you guys?" He was now looking at me with hate-filled eyes.


"That's what I thought," he said as he slammed the door in my face.

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