Kokabiel Arc: Final Chapter: Death of an Angel

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Actions: Slaps
Sacred Gear/Spells/Powers/Noble Phantasms/Aria or Chants: [{UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS}]
Thoughts/Servant Talking in Spirit Form: "Nope! He who runs away and doesn't fight, runs away first!"
Speaking: "Tiny Frightening Child!?" (A/n: Props to you if you get this reference!)
Ddraig | Albion: [BOOST] | {DIVIDE}
Cú Chulainn: [(EMPOWER)]
Great Red/Kuroko's Berserker Voice/When Kuroko is Mad: "Time to Die..."


Clouds begin to form above Kuro as lightning begins to strike around him. He raises his arm infront of him, palm facing the sky. As a black ball starts to form, with a ball of churning water, a fierce cyclone of wind, large boulders with lightning crackling and surging between them, and furious flames spun around it.

Kuro: "Seeing as you attacked me with one of your strongest attacks, I will return the favor! Understand the Beginning! [{Takamimusubi no Kami: Reign of the High Emperor}]!


Sending the ball hurling towards Kokabiel, Kuro looks upon him with indifference. Kokabiel rushes to protect himself and creates a large aegis shield made of holy light. Looking upon the great ball of power that Kuro has created, fear begins to seep into the minds of those that bear witness. As the sphere of destruction hits the shield, Kokabiel is hard pressed to hold the protection that he has created. With a roar, he pours most of his remaining magic into the shield as the attack detonates. Bathing everything in a blinding flash of light and kicking up mass amounts of dust.

Kuro: "Hoh? How interesting. You managed to survive one of my lesser attacks..."

As the light dims and the dust settles Kokabiel is seen on the ground covered in blood and dirt, with the entire area behind him barren. The rubble that was once there has disappeared.

Kokabiel: "L-lesser?! But you said-"

Kuro: "Yes I know what I said, and that is in fact one of my more powerful attacks. But compared to my most powerful? That was what a single ant is to a whale. Nothing but insignificant."

Issei: "If that was one of his weaker attacks... I don't want to know what Old Man Kuro's greater attacks are..."

Rias: "Agreed..."

Kuro drops down from his place in the sky and slowly begins to walk towards Kokabiel, who is struggling to get up. He summons a black rod from his sleeve and snaps it off to make a make shift baton and throws it at Kokabiel piercing his leg.

Kuro: "Hm... you come into my town and try to kill my friends along with a girl who is like a daughter to me? Repent with your life you filthy crow."

Kuro presses his hands together and slowly moves them apart as a small black orb is created. Kokabiel in a desperate attempt to escape, gets up and rushes Kuro with a predictable punch. Easily dodged Kuro counters by stepping into Kokabiel's range and proceeds with a series of my martial arts, Super Bajiquan. A Knee to the kidney, a kick to the groin, an elbow cracks the sternum in half, and a back-fist to the temple, finishing with a front kick Kuro claps his hands together before separating them revealing a small black sphere that seems to absorb all light around it.

Kuro: "Hmph... pitiful attempt Kokabiel... now repent with your life and die."

"I call upon the magic of Akasha to create this weapon."

Motes of light begin to coalesce into the shape of a spear in you hand.

"From the First I give you shape."

The light shatters and reveals a blindingly golden spear.

"From the Second I give the ability to alter the recent time line to always hit your target."

"And from the Fifth I give you infinite power."

Now the golden spear glows white as it pulses with unimaginable power.

"Now strike true, [{Last Phantasm}]"

In will probably be skipping to somewhere close to the Faction Meeting. Have fun and stay sane. This was slightly rushed so apologies if it's a bit short...

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