Faction Meeting Arc: Rias' Bishop

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Actions: Slaps
Sacred Gear/Spells/Powers/Noble Phantasms/Aria or Chants: [{UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS}]
Thoughts/Servant Talking in Spirit Form: "Nope! He who runs away and doesn't fight runs away first!"
Speaking: "Tiny Frightening Child!?" (A/n: Props to you if you get this reference!)
Ddraig | Albion: [BOOST] | {DIVIDE}
Cú Chulainn: [(EMPOWER)]
Great Red/Kuroko's Berserker Voice/When Kuroko is mad: "Time to Die..."


"Now strike true, [{Last Phantasm}]"

No one's POV
Throwing the spear at Kokabiel, he watches as it strikes true and explodes upon contact throwing stones, dirt, and dust in every direction. However, sensing movement in the dust cloud Kuro zeros in on it and realizes something.

Kuro: "Hmm... you're still alive I see... persistent little shits, you damn crows just don't know when to die, do you?"

The uncaring tone that Kuro addressed Kokabiel with was clearly angering him. And so, he did the only thing that he thought was logical at the moment.

Kokabiel: "urgh...*wheeze* I will not be beaten by the likes of you!! You human trash! Now die! Raghhh!!"

Kokabiel, using what little magic he had left created a light spear and hurled it at Kuro... which did nothing as it had bounced off of his skin like nothing was even thrown at him, to begin with.

Kuro: "Just kneel down and die Kokabiel. Your plans have failed. Spectacularly, might I add."

Kuro raises his arm in front of him and a blue sphere about twice the size of his hand slowly forms in his palm.

Kuro: "Gremory Peerage. Sitri Peerage. Witness the chakra ability of one of my most treasured friends. The pinnacle of chakra manipulation."

Kuro stops hovering and soars down from the sky towards Kokabiel sphere in hand. And calmly states the attack's name.


Sounds of grinding flesh and pained screams filled the battlefield as Kokabiel was being ground into shreds. Blood flew in all directions as the Rasengan bore into his flesh. However, just as Kokabiel was about to be run through...


The Rasengan was halved in size and became unstable. Realizing the danger of an unstable Rasengan Kuro ended his attack and looked to his left seeing a figure clad in white armor that looked familiar...

Draigg: "Albion... It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Albion: "It certainly has Ddraig..."


In the ORC Building Kuro sits in the chair while everyone else is sitting on the couches...

Kuro: "I'm held my questions on this since you are my adorable little sister Rias. But why is there a Damned Vampire in this Building?"

Rias: "Well you see... uh... they're in my peerage?"

Kuro: "So you keep a peerage member locked up behind a locked door? Why?"

Kuro asks as he beckons everyone to follow him to the locked door. As he approaches he begins to trace a specific dagger that is able to negate all magic.

Rias: "Uh well you see... they are too powerful?"

Kuro: "Too powerful huh? Interesting. I'll take a look for myself then!
[{All Spells Must Be Broken: RULE BREAKER}]"

???: "KYAAAAAAA!!!"

That is all folks. Good day! Sorry about he abrupt ending. But I had to get something published. I will be skipping to the Meeting next chapter. It feels like this will go on for a few chapters if I don't...

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