Faction Meeting Arc: The Meeting Begins.

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Location: Meeting Room
POV No one's

A Humanoid with white wings, a humanoid with black wings and a humanoid with bat winds all sat around a large table with multiple others. The Faction Meeting begins!

Rias' POV

We have started the meeting but Kuro isn't here yet... this is gonna be a problem if he doesn't show up. He is representing Humanity in this meeting.

Rias: "Onii-chan... can we postpone the meeting for a bit. Kuro isn't here yet..."

Sirzechs: "Sure Ria-tan. I'm sure we can hold the meeting off for a while."

???/???: "I'm fine with postponing the meeting/Sure, I'm quite interested whoever this 'Kuro' person is"

Rias: "Thank you very much. C'mon Kuro... hurry up!"

POV Kuro

I'm sitting in the backyard with Ophis and I feel like I'm forgetting something important... hmmmmmm... oh! The meeting! Shit, the meeting.

Kuro: "Ophis-chan, we need to go to the Faction meeting. I'm supposed to represent Humanity in this... even if I'm the farthest thing from said race..."

I rush to get properly dressed and grab Ophis by the hand and teleport to outside the meeting room doors. As I push open the doors, wanting to put on a show of power, let most of my limiters go. And raw, unadulterated power fills the air. As I walk in I see the faction leaders with scared faces and the rest of the people are on the ground. I suddenly reign my power back in and smile.

Kuro: " let's get started with the Meeting!! YOSH!!"

Ophis: "Kuro! I want candy."

Kuro: "Yes yes, here is your candy Ophis."

I say as I hand her a candy bag that I pulled from my Gate of Babylon.

Kuro: "Now can we begin? I'm getting bored."

I ask as I plop down on the fourth chair and Ophis sits on my lap as I hug her after she sits.

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