Chapter 1

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Hailey's family once appeared to be perfect. They were happy, loving, and always spent time together. But when Hailey turned 14, she discovered that her parents had been keeping secrets from her.

She learned that they were struggling with alcoholism and it had been affecting their behavior and their relationship with her. Hailey was devastated by this news and wished that she had never learned the truth.

As time went on, Hailey's parents became more distant from her. They were often drunk and not present in her life as she was growing up. This made Hailey feel uncomfortable being at home and she never wanted to be there. Instead, she spent most of her time at the Sturniolo's house.

The Sturniolos were a family that Hailey had known for a long time and they were always welcoming to her. But even though she knew she was always welcome there, Hailey sometimes felt guilty for being there almost every day.

5:12 pm

Hailey was laying in her bed when she got a call from nick.

"Hey" Hailey answered.

"Hi, wanna come spend the night at our place and film a video" Nick asked her.

"Uh sure what time should I come" Hailey got up to lock her door.

"We can pick you up in 10" Nick said.

"Alright text me when you here" she said ending the call.

Hailey got up and packed a bag, even though she kept some clothes at their house incase. She grabbed her phone and charger, she sat on her bed scrolling through TikTok waiting for one of the boys to text her.


Matty B

Matty B:
We here

Alr I'm coming


Hailey slowly opened her window and carefully crawled out. She made sure the window was shut properly.

The boys Pov:
"It's sad that she has to sneak out and she can't talk to her parents" Nick said clearing off the back seat for Hailey.

His brothers agreed, they all turned their heads towards her.

Hailey's Pov:
She jumped down and ran up to the car, she opened the car door and she sat down.

"Hey guys" Hailey said shutting the door.

"Hey Hails" Nick smiled.

Matt started to drive and a few minutes later they arrived and their house. They went inside and Hailey put her bag in Matt's room, the boys went into the living room and sat down. Chris and Nick were sitting beside each other and Hailey sat with Matt.

They were on their phones, Hailey rested her head on Matts shoulder and watched TikTok with him. She glanced at him admiring him, she put her head back down before he could notice her staring.

Nick and Chris would always catch them looking at each other and since Matt always talked about her they knew they liked each other but both were to shy to admit it. They didn't want to ruin their friendship incase the other didn't feel the same way.

6:23 pm

"Ok we have to film a video now" Nick stood up.

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