Chapter 6

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July 21
9:18 am

Hailey woke up to an empty bed and her phone was buzzing from messages.


You up?

You uppp yetttttt

Hails get up lazyyy

I'm up chill
What yall need

We have a surprise for you

What is it

Come to the kitchen and find out

Fine hold on


Hailey crawled out of bed and walked to the kitchen. All three boys were sitting around the kitchen island whispering.

"What is it" Hailey asked while grabbing some water.

"So for you birthday we decided to go somewhere" Chris said looking at her.

"So where is it" she widened her eyes.

"We are going to" Nick dragged out.

"L.A" they all cheered.

"Really" Hailey's face lit up.

"Mhm" Matt nodded his head.

"Awe thanks guys" she smiled and hugged them all.

"Of course anything for you"  Matt smiled.

"You guys are the best" she smiled looking at all of them.

"I know" Chris said in a cocky tone making Hailey giggle.

She pulled away from the guy and they all sat back down.

"So when do we have to go" Hailey asked.

"About 3 hours" Nick said.

"Oh that's so soon" Hailey looked at her phone.

Hailey didn't really have to pack since her stuff was always in a bag but she borrowed one of the boys suitcases. She packed all of her clothes,swimsuit,skincare,makeup,shoes, and a few other items. It took her almost a hour to pack since she kept getting distracted by her phone. Matt was sitting on his bed waiting for her to finish.

"When are you going to be done" Matt groaned.

"Soon soon just wait" She said looking at him.

She eventually finished and zipped up the bag. She check the time and it was 12:10.

"When's the flight"she asked.

"Uh 1:00 pm" he answered.

"So we have like 40 ish minutes" she asked.

"Oh yea I guess" Matt said.

Hailey carried her bag out to the car with Matt. The other bags were already in the car. They planned to go to the airport at 12:35. Everyone was sitting in the living room waiting for it to be 12:35. Marylou agreed to drive them to the airport.


They were so excited to go that they left a couple minutes before planned. Matt said in the passengers seat. Nick and Hailey were in the middle row and Chris was in the back. After a few minutes they arrived to the airport, they all thanked Marylou for the ride and the boys hugged her.They waited in line and it felt like it wasn't moving. Once they were done they sat down waiting to board the plane.

12:54 pm

Eventually they heard their flight was leaving in 6 minutes so they had to get on. It didn't take long to find their seats. Hailey was in the window seat and Matt was beside her, Chris and Nick were in front of them.

This was Hailey's first time flying so she was a little nervous. Matt grabbed her hand and reassured her nothing will go wrong. She gave him a quick smile before looking out the window. She did enjoy the view though. She watched a movie with Matt. Once it started to get dark she started to get tired and decided to get some sleep.


authors note:
Hey guys sorry this was a short chapter but I wanted to mention that I've never been on a plane before so I have no idea no what you do before you board the plane so I'm sorry if I doesn't make total sense.

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