Important to Me

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Mari's piano started to play. Sunny's violin was in his hands but he wouldn't move his hands. Sunny dropped his violin and the loud thud it made caused Mari's piano to seize to play.

The violin dropped into the box and Sunny closed it and left the room. His house had creaky and dusty stairs, they seemed longer than before. The air felt contaminated, like he could barely breathe. When he finally reached the top, which didn't feel as high as he thought, he opened his bedroom door. He closed the door and sighed in relief.

* * *

Sunny woke up to a loud knocking on his door. He didn't know what time it was but it was pretty bright out. He waited out the knocking and sighed when it slowed to a stop. He got back into a comfortable position only for the knocking to come back even louder. Someone's persistent. He pulled his weight off the bed. Who was so persistent on knocking on his door after he barely ever heard anyone but his mom for four years?

He approached the door and put his hand on the doorknob. He was leaving in three days. It couldn't hurt to just open the door, right? He heard a familiar voice from the other side of the door. The door blocked out most of the noise so it was hard to tell exactly who was at the door. He slowly turned the knob and creaked the door open..

* * *

After four years Kel decided it was time to practically force the door open. He heard Sunny and his mother were leaving in three days. He wasn't gonna waste time. He was gonna get Sunny to come back outside. He whipped his door open, and walked outside. He looked at Sunny's house and the more he looked the more his eyes started to lose the spark of determination, and he turned to go back to his house.

But he couldn't. He forced himself to turn back around and he marched over to his next door neighbor's door. He raised his arm and started to knock on the door.

A few minutes passed and his hands started to hurt from his incessant banging. His knocking slowed to a stop and he slumped over next the door, leaning against the house. His eyelids started to feel wet. No! They can't! He's gotta get someone to answer this door, this is important to him. He popped up and started to knock loudly on the door once again.

Kel heard the door knob turn as the door started to creak open. He slapped on a cheery smile and watched with anticipation as the door opened more.


Hey guys I redid this first part and part 2 is next on the chopping block! Once I get these all redone there will be a new part! I have a lot of school work to catch up on so remaking every part might be slow but I promise for reals this time.. it will be done! See you next time guys!

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