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HE'S WEIRD, HE'S SO WEIRD! I push in my keys through the door knob and turn it around. My mind is in dazed, after he said those words I'm definitely being allure by his lips.

"Why is he so weird?" I touch lightly my ear and again, flashback hits me. I quickly slap myself, I need to ignore every emotion I'm having at that time. It was just a fling of moment, he was playing around and I need to keep my cool.

It's only been a few days, maybe this is his way of making friends?

As soon as I push my door open, my eyes notice the lights are on already. My eyes squint at the confusing sight.

"I definitely did closed the lights yesterday. How the hell?"

I grab the closest weapon, a.k.a my umbrella, before taking a step closer to the living room.

"Even the TV is on?" I whispered to myself. Walking closer toward the room, I peek from behind the wall, there's no one on the couch.

But the area is messy as fuck.

My ears catch up noises from the kitchen, the pans are being thrown, and I could smell burnt toast all over the house.

"Who's there?" I ask loudly. The person stops moving abruptly. There's only silence and my heart is pounding so hard at the fear.

I can't die now! I just got my project in my hand again!

Suddenly, that person appears from the back and taps my shoulder. I screamed so loud and throw my hands and umbrella at the intruder.

"Ouch! Y/n, it's me! Your sister!"

"I don't have a sister!"

"Then, what am I?!" The intruder grabs my umbrella and angrily throws it away. My eyes adjust through the blurry far sighted of my eyes and tries to focus on the face.

"Miya?" I confusedly call her name.

"Yes, it's me." She casually identifies herself as my sister before walking back into the kitchen. I was left alone, feeling shaken at my own theory of being killed in my own house.

"Hold up!" I grab her arm angrily and push her out my kitchen, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Going back in there to make myself dinner?"

I am left speechless once again, she push my hand off her and walks again into my kitchen but not on my watch!

"Miya!" I pull her out the kitchen again. She looks frustrated when I keep stopping her but I am the owner of this house, this is my property and she can't be here without my consent!

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at college?" I ask her angrily.

She rolls her eyes and explains with a zero effort, "I ran away. Is that enough for you?"

"No! That's absolutely not enough. Does mom and dad knows you're here?"

"Duh, of course they know. They're the ones that gave me this key." She shows off my spare key with a happy face.

My head is about to burst open from the lava of anger I'm feeling.

How dare they gave her my key?

How dare they made a copy of my key?

How dare they spoil her until she trash my house?!

She skips her way into my kitchen again and spread my favourite blueberry jam on her burnt toast before she dance around the messy kitchen without caring my presence.

"Is it good?" I ask her while gritting my teeth, holding myself from cursing her beautiful existence (that's what my mom said).

"Very. Could I take it back home?" She ask while looking around for more food. Opening cabinet here and there, throwing out my instant noodles from their place and then ask if she could take it too.

I take a deep breath trying to calm the rage in myself. "I need to be the big girl here." I said to myself but my eyes twitch as soon as I see her accidentally breaks one of my bowl.

"Okay, fuck off Miya." I throw the toast from her mouth to the trash, "Hey! I'm still eating that!"

"Learn some manners first before you come here." I drag her out the house, ignoring her screams and throw the spoiled brat out of my house.

"No manners, no welcome." I said before slamming the door in front of her face. Her nose maybe did get hit by the slam but well, it's a good reason for her to get that nose job she always begged for.

Miya knocks the door with her fist angrily while shouting, "Y/n! Bitch! My Gucci bag is still in there!"

I grab her luxury bag and opens the window, "Is this it?" I ask her from the opened window, she stomps her feet towards me and nods her head cockily.

"Definitely mine! You don't have the money to buy this. My daddy bought it for me." She boast her branded bag so big.  Even her face looks like the bag.

"Which daddy? Our dad or your sugar daddy?" I sarcastically ask with a no-clue face.

Her mouth gaps open, couldn't believe I just said what I just said. Well, it's not everyday mom and dad are not here. This is my only chance to give her some lessons of my own.

"Oh and catch your bag!" I smile happily at her before aiming the throw straight into the garbage. "GOAL!" I jump happily when it went in smoothly.

Miya screams frustratedly before running out my property.

"Damn, I should've done it a million times before."

Serves you right, my little sister.


-To Be Continue-

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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