Chapter Two: Rewrite

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Soft pop music played on the radio as wind blew through Camila's hair, pulling bits and strands from the bun messily placed on top of her head. Her best friend, Normani, hummed along to whatever song was playing, Camila couldn't really be sure. They had been best friends for years, although they were quite opposites. Normani was naturally beautiful, with a gorgeous smile and dark yet soft, sweet eyes. She didn't wear a lot of makeup, hated dressing up special for school, and was always reading books. She was effortlessly confident, collected, and cool. Camila felt like she was a shadow of Normani's, despite them on the outside appearing to be so much on the same level.

They had met years ago after Sinuhe had quit her jobs to help Camila out full-time with her pageants. Normani's mother, Andrea, owned a gorgeous dress shop in downtown Miami that everyone recommend to Sinuhe. They were preparing for Camila's next pageant show and really wanted to wow the judges with something special, and Andrea had promised she had the perfect dress. For a few weeks, Camila had to revisit multiple times for fittings where Normani would help her mother with sewing and alterations.

"I don't think you could possibly lose this pageant," Normani had said once Camila's dress had been finished and fitted perfectly. Camila had smiled small at the girl as she pet the bag the dress was housed in. After that, the two were best friends forever, conquering high school with each other by their sides.

"Alright, Mila," Normani said as she parked her Hyundai into a spot. On the right, Dinah Jane, another of their best friends, was sat in her car as she jammed out to some Beyoncé. Camila giggled as her and Normani watched their friend lip-sync into a hairbrush. "You know, as much as I love Bey, I think it's a little too early for all of this."

Camila happily hummed and grabbed her bag from between her legs. She placed it into her lap and instinctively pulled out her pocket mirror. As she opened the compact to check her lipstick and foundation, Normani clicked her tongue next to her.

"What?" Camila asked, half-way offended as she closed the compact, satisfied with her current makeup situation.

"You're so vain," Normani replied. Camila knew that she was most likely joking, but sometimes she couldn't be sure with Normani. She was good at masking the truth as something lesser.

Camila shook her head and put the mirror away. It was easy being so beautiful like Normani, she didn't have to worry about things like if she had dry patches or if her hair was sticking up at the side. Normani, first of all, didn't care what anyone thought about her and that's what made everyone admire her. She walked along the school campus with joggers and a hoodie one day and then skinny jeans and a blouse the next. It didn't matter what aesthetic she chose, Normani could wear it all. Second, Normani simply always looked good. Camila had never seen her best friend reapply lipstick in the bathroom mirror or take out a comb to fix her hair. Normani simply existed, while Camila had to always be conscious of herself.

"I'm not vain, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look the best I can," Camila stated as she got out of the car. Normani had said something back, but the statement was lost as Camila shut the door and walked around to Dinah's vehicle. "Alright, Celine Dion, let's get to class. Mr. Luis will be pissed if you're late again."

Dinah Jane's face scrunched up a bit as she turned her car off and gathered her things. "I am not a Celine," she finally said, then she locked her car. It beeped twice before she was satisfied and met Camila's side. "Is that paper due today or tomorrow? Because if it's due today, then I really don't feel good."

With an eye roll, Camila started the walk towards the back entrance of the school. Dinah followed closely beside her and Normani walked a few steps behind as she tapped at her cellphone. "You're in luck," she answered, "the paper is due next week."

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