Chapter Five: Move

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The night that Lauren had given Camila directions to the Grove, the two chatted in Facebook. It started off with a couple questions Camila had about the directions, then turned into what days and times they should meet up, and then it all went awry from there. Camila had simply asked about Lauren's schedule at school, but after that, the conversation skyrocketed into something so much more. It was strange how easy it was to talk to Camila, Lauren had decided. She wasn't used to talking (well, typing) this easy to anyone. She didn't even talk this way with her mom, who she was the closest to in her whole life. Lauren rarely talked about herself to people, but here she was, exchanging embarrassing stories with Camila and other things, giggling and smiling the whole time. It was like instead of being strangers, the two were best friends.

Lauren smiled as she wrote to Camila about losing her first tooth. It was 10:36 PM, a time way past Lauren's bedtime, and Lauren had no intention on stopping any time soon. She was having the time of her life chatting with Camila. The time was nothing but a mindset. Lauren could deal without a full eight hours of sleep just for one night.

'My dad, then, accidentally elbowed me in the mouth. I tasted blood and started to freak out really bad. I ran to the bathroom, opened my mouth, and in it was a bunch of blood and my baby tooth sitting on my tongue. And that's the story of how I lost my first tooth.'

'OMG. That's insane. I just wiggled mine out,' Camila replied with a laughing emoji.

Lauren smiled, giggling a little. She typed back a reply, then stood up to go brush her teeth in the bathroom. She groaned when she saw the door was closed and the light was on. She knocked on the door, receiving no answer.

"Chris, I swear, I will beat the living daylights out of you if you don't hurry up," Lauren hissed through the crack. He was the only one who ignored Lauren every time she would come knocking. It annoyed the hell out of her, as he took forever and she often just knocked to ask for her toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush.

"I'm not hurrying up just for you, Princess," Chris yelled back. The sound of a flushing toilet echoed out to the hallway, making Lauren roll her eyes. Of course, even though he was done, Chris was going to be a nuisance and take forever.

Lauren started to bang on the door again. She smiled when it opened, revealing a tired-looking Chris. "Glad you've decided to give me the bathroom," she said before pushing her way inside.

Chris groaned, shoving Lauren as she grabbed her toothbrush. "I get no privacy ever," he whined.

"Out, dog," Lauren replied simply, pushing Chris out of the bathroom. She shut and locked the door after, humming to herself as she did her bathroom duties, such as brushing her teeth and hair, and then using the toilet. When Lauren came back out, she was curious to see her bedroom door was open. Maybe her mother had stepped in for a moment to check up on her. Lauren walked into her bedroom, shocked to see Chris on her laptop. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Chris looked over at Lauren, then smirked. "Oh. Nothing. Just being a dog and sniffing around," he said before turning back to the computer. "You like like Camila."

Lauren rolled her eyes, making her way over to her brother and laptop. "Yeah, no. I do not like like Camila. Sorry to get your perverted hopes up, buddy," she said, shutting her laptop and retrieving it from Chris.

The boy scoffed, standing up. "Whatever. If you don't like her, then you should probably tell her to stop flirting. And you should also stop it, as well," Chris said, rolling his own eyes. He made his way out of Lauren's bedroom, closing the door behind him.

Lauren blushed hotly, looking down at her shut laptop. She opened up the lid, then scrolled through the Facebook messages. They were all normal, friendly messages. There was nothing about them that pointed towards Lauren being attracted to Camila in any sort of way. The idea of it made Lauren laugh, as it was completely ridiculous. Just a couple days before, she had absolutely despised Camila and everything about the girl. Sure, now she was a bit more accepting of the Sweet Pea Queen. But that didn't mean that Lauren even liked Camila, let alone like liked her.

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