Chapter Sixteen: Hair

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After the photo of Lauren and Camila kissing leaked, as did the paper that the first girl wrote, things weren't the same for Lauren. 

No matter where the girl went, she was getting ugly glares and smug smirks. It was like everyone had something to say, but didn't have the guys to say anything to her. Before, Lauren could get away with not really being seen by anyone. Now, everyone knew exactly who she was and what she had supposedly done. Even though she hadn't done a thing wrong, other than write the paper in the first place. 

It wasn't just at school that Lauren had begun to have problems. She would have problems at home, as well. Somehow, the news had spread to Chris, who was rather relentless about the whole thing. He even told their mother, who was upset about the whole thing. Lauren was grounded for causing such a problem at school and wasn't allowed on her laptop unless it was for homework. It didn't really matter much to Lauren, though, that she couldn't contact people on social media. For the first few hours before she had her privileges taken away, all she received was hate comment after hate comment, ranging from calling her dyke (that seemed to be the only derogatory term people knew) to telling her to kill herself. Worse than even that, most of Lauren's friends that actually talked to her online had turned against her, even going as far as blocking her. The one that hurt the most was Camila, who Lauren was sure would never even look at her again. 

Surprisingly, the only person who seemed to not know about the whole entire thing was Ally, who continued to be a sweetheart to Lauren. The latter felt immensely guilty about the whole entire thing. The two were technically dating, having talked on going many other dates after the first one, and even meeting up a couple of times. Yet, she was kissing other girls and starting to get what she knew were feelings for the girl she had kissed. 

While Lauren felt guilty for not telling Ally the truth, she still didn't say anything, and really didn't plan on doing so. She didn't want to do anything about it. Ally was the only person who wasn't mad at her for the whole entire leak. Ally was the only person Lauren could trust and actually go to in that time being. If she told the girl, she wasn't exactly sure they would even continue to be friends, let alone continue to date. 

Lauren sighed as she sat in her English class, a bit early than she usually was. She had a free hour and would usually go to the art room, but she wasn't in the mood to paint or draw. Or do anything, really. She no longer had the motivation to do anything but schoolwork. 

Lauren doodled in the corner of her paper, forcing herself to pass some of the time before Ally could arrive. She wanted to talk to the girl, because after a week of all of the bullshit, Lauren was still getting shit on by everyone. And she needed to talk to someone about everything that was going on. Well, not every single detail. Lauren assumed Ally wouldn't be too upset about the fact Camila and her kissed. She would be a lot more upset by the fact Lauren was so much of a bitch she had to write that god damn paper that most likely ruined Camila's life. 

Well, that was a bit dramatic, but for now, senior year was Camila's life. And Lauren definitely ruined that for the girl. 

As Lauren drew out a kitty cat with zentangled fur, someone walked up to her desk, waiting patiently for her to look up. When Lauren had, a small smile was on her face, knowing it was Ally. But, the smile dropped when she saw the disapproving look on the latter's face. 

"You need to explain something to me," Ally murmured. By the look on her face, Lauren knew there was no getting herself out of this situation. She knew that Ally meant the whole debacle at the high school. When Lauren hesitated, Ally shook her head before huffing. "Now, Lauren. This isn't something for you to decide. You're going to tell me." 

Lauren swallowed thickly, then looked down at the desk. "I kissed Camila and wrote a nasty paper about her. A picture of us kissing and the paper leaked, and now the whole school knows thing about Camila that they shouldn't. The fact her parents are split up roughly, that she hates pageants, that...that's she's known she's a lesbian since I first came out," she explained shakily, stuttering over her words every now and then. When she met Ally's eyes again, she saw the tears gathering in them and instantly felt horrible. "I'm so sorry, Ally. I really am." 

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