Chapter Nine: Cannonball Part 2

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Lauren pressed herself against the wall, trying to calm herself down as she listened in on the conversation Camila was having with some other girl. She closed her eyes, trying not to flinch when she heard the word 'dyke'. The word was one that she heard multiple times before, but she hadn't thought that she would hear it from Camila. It was a word that still hurt Lauren down to the core, making her stomach and heart clench.

'She's not even that pretty,' echoed inside of Lauren's head. After all she had done for Camila, after how much the girl had supposedly changed, how could the brunette sit there and say things like that? 

It was obvious to Lauren that Camila hadn't changed at all. She was the same girl she was before, when she would make Lauren cry at night, or wish that she hadn't been around at all. What made it worse was that was Lauren was thinking as she tried to be quiet, that she wished that she wasn't around at all. Lauren wished that she could've been ignorant to the whole thing. She just wanted things to be different between the two of them. 

Lauren had thought that Camila and her could be best friends when she was asked to go to the beauty pageant. If anyone hated beauty pageants, it was Lauren, and she knew that Camila knew that. So, Camila had to really be desperate in order to invite her along. She had to have really needed someone there, and the person she went to Lauren, and not Normani or Dinah, two of Camila's best friends. To tell the truth, Lauren was very grateful for it and couldn't help but to smile at the messages. Of course she agreed to tag along, and not only because she had nothing to do that day and was bored out of her mind. But she also agreed because Camila actually trusted and needed her. It felt good to be wanted. 

But as Lauren stared at the wall in front of her, suddenly feeling ugly in her clothes and makeup, she couldn't help but to feel unwanted. She had gotten all ready and special just so she could fit in with the crowd that Camila fit in with, but apparently changing her looks just wasn't enough. She had to change everything about her, including her sexuality, something that Lauren had been born with. 

Suddenly, a girl walked out of the room, looking quite amused. But, when she saw Lauren, she just looked absolutely enthralled. Lauren recognized the girl as Kirsten, the girl who won third place in the beauty pageant. Kirsten started to walk past Lauren, smirking.

"Hey, dyke," Kirsten said casually, like it was a nickname or just Lauren's name. When Lauren visibly flinched, she grinned like a Cheshire cat. "Oh, so, I see you heard. Good. You should know that no one likes you."

Lauren looked up at Kirsten, who towered over the green-eyed girl by at least five inches, trying not to cry. She let out a shaky breath before shaking her head. "You're an asshole," she hissed out, shouldering Kirsten.

"Ugh. I hope I didn't just catch your gay," Kirsten spat out, looking utterly disgusted.

Lauren twisted around, raising her eyebrows. "I hope I didn't catch your ugly," she shot back before heading into the dressing room. Camila was sitting at the vanity she had claimed once they got there, looking red at the face, like she had been laughing really hard. This made Lauren feel worse, like all of it was so much more real. She didn't know why she cared so much, she hadn't liked Camila for that long. But, as she stood there, staring at Camila, Lauren had to hold back her tears. She couldn't help the quietness of her voice, though, when she asked, "Are you ready to go?"

Camila nodded, making Lauren sigh. Lauren helped Camila out, then walked to the car with her. She even opened the door for Camila so the girl didn't have to do more work than needed. If Camila wanted to act like nothing had happened, then Lauren could act like nothing happened, either. On the twenty minute ride home, Lauren stayed quiet, not wanting to cry or say something in anger or frustration.

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