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      ☄️chapter 11:manga store and walks☄️

My classes are finally over for the day, I was done with my school work and now I can enjoy my afternoon as I planned. Horikita told me bye before leaving..for the first time and this time she wasn't forced by Ayanokouji. Does that mean I have improvement? I hope it does.
I was waiting in front of class 1-C, Chifuyu was still inside picking his things up and putting them inside his bag. I can't stop thinking about what happened today on the rooftop, or what almost happened. Did he almost kissed me for real? No chance, y/n, wake up. Chifuyu walks out with Baji by his side and  they both stop in front of me. Baji was blasting music thru his speaker, I believe it was rap.

"Hey, y/n-chan", Chifuyu waves at me and he smiles. Nothing unusual for now, he always smiles. Never seen him mad or upset. I say hi to both of them, Baji just waved at me and didn't really cared that I'm there. "Do you mind, if Baji-kun joins us for a while?", Chifuyu asked me, he sounded nervous.

"No, not really. I'm cool with him", I said and I watch Chifuyu feel relief. His body was now relaxed and calm. What was so scary lol?

The there of us walk out of school and we head to the manga store. Baji was still blasting his music thru his speaker and I gotta admit he had pretty good taste for music. Not every song was a masterpiece, but at least you can vibe to them. He was cool too, I see why Chifuyu always hang out with him. They both are definitely drama free and I like it. We walk into the manga store and Baji immediately ran to grab the newest hentai, because I know he's a pervert at heart. Me and Chifuyu are now alone and for some reason there was this awkward tension between us. Maybe it was because of the almost kiss, or maybe it was new for us, but there was heavy vibe between us.

"S-So, y/n-chan", Chifuyu finally broke the silence and turned to face me. There it is again this nervousness of his, why is he so nervous today? He scratched his head and the smile on his face was kinda forced, "d-do you by any chance l-like somebody?", he asked me.

I looked at him with the most dumb expression I could pull off. What is this sudden interest in my love life? "Mm, no. I don't think so", I said and just shrugged. That was a honest answer, I've never been into anyone real, I always fall for fictional characters.

"O-Oh, I see", he became even more nervous than before. What's gotten into Chifuyu today, he doesn't act like himself.

"Do you?", I ask him. He jumped of surprise and his face was now like a hot cheeto , he looks down and thinks that I don't see the smile on his face, but I wasn't born last night, "oh my god, there is. Who is she?". Chifuyu let out a chuckle. For some reason I didn't like the idea of Chifuyu dating an other girl. What, if she doesn't want him to hang out with me? I'll be alone again.

"Well, yeah..there is one girl..", he made a step back and his expression changed from happy to sad real quick, "but she won't ever return my feelings. I think she's in love with someone else and I know a friend of mine, who also likes her, so I don't really have a chance".

"Chifuyu, you're talking nonsense", I taped his shoulder and that brought his smile back to his face, "you are amazing and such a funny guy, every girl would be lucky to be with you. Don't think like that, have more confidence".

Before Chifuyu could say something Baji came back with 10 mangas full with naked girls. He hugged Chifuyu around the neck and shoved the manga covers in his face. Chifuyu push him back and calls him 'pervert'. I laughed so hard, these guys are definitely besties. Their friendship is so funny and pure, I love it.

After we were done with manga shopping, I got the newest Attack of Titan books, Chifuyu bought Fruits basket and Baji

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After we were done with manga shopping, I got the newest Attack of Titan books, Chifuyu bought Fruits basket and Baji..well, he had enough hentai for the rest of the month. We got some slushies and some fries. I had such a great time. Even tho I was close with Baji, we get along pretty well, but..I wish me and Chifuyu could get some alone time. I'm so interested in what kind of guy he is, when we are not in school. What if he's a closet pervert and hides his dirty side? The guy walked me home, since I also promised Hanma, that I will hang out with him too.
When I got home to change my clothes, I saw that the door was unlocked, which was weird, since mom is at a party with Anya and dad will be late from work. I got my umbrella out and I held it as a weapon. Nobody breaks into my house. I kick the door and I walk inside only to see Yuuji, who has a key to my apartment, and Mikey, who is now smiling at me. I put down my umbrella and look at them with annoyance.

"Y/n-chan, you're back!", Mikey jumped from the couch and ran up to me locking me inside in his arms hugging me tight.

"What are you guys doing here?" ,I turn to Yuuji and threw at him a mad glance, but he just gives me the 'I had no choice' look. Then I remembered that he said he'll come by my house to borrow a charger. Looks like Mikey was outside my door during this time. Why doesn't this dude leave me alone?

"We haven't hang out in a while, so I stopped by to see ya. Nice surprise, right?", Mikey let's out a giggle and continued to hug me.

"Right....", I roll my eyes and I see the screen on my phone lit up. I took it out and I see that Hanma is texting me.

Hanma:I'm outside your house.
Me:We have a problem...🥲
Hanma:What is it?
Me:Get to my apartment and you'll see for yourself, I'm not spoiling.
Hanma:Got it. Be there in 2 mins, doll.

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