7. the land down "under"

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it only take a few hours to get to mt. battle. it was bigger in real life. the place was in a panic so i went to the counter to ask

Gia: excuse me miss, whats going on?

Lady: some people in jumpsuits came and took over the first area

Gia: jumpsuits huh? sound like cipher we take of them since we dealt with them before

Lady: you will? oh thank you

Gia: come rui, lets go

Rui: right

we made short work of all the grunts there and then when come to the admin dakim, im calling him sumo man, that what he kinda looks like, we saw him attacking the leader of the first area vander

Vander: you coward

Dakim: like i use my pokemon on you, just give me the flute

Gia: hey sumo man quite bullying people.

he leaved him alone and turns to us

Dakim: huh, who are you?

Gia: im gia and you need to stop bullying people sumo man

Dakim: my name is dakim a team cipher admin

Gia: nice to meet you sumo man

Dakim: grrr... thats it

he tried to swing at me but i dodge it

Gia: na ah ah, if want to beat me you gotta do through battle

Dakim: err fine

thanks to typhlosion and hatterenne we swept his team until down to his last one... his shadow pokemon. i doubt he had entei since those are one a kind (at least in the anime) and i dont think they go all the trouble to catch them. they are hard to catch in the game, its probably near damn impossible to catch them in real life

Dakim: *smirk* don't think you won yet. i have my ace, a clone of a legendary pokemon you gonna feel its wrath. go entei

Gia: [damn it, i jynx myself. clone huh? that make more sense why they have those dna samples in the lab] go enfernal parade and physic

thats looks like that did some damage but not much

Dakim: fire blast

that took out hatterene but typhlosion was still standing

Gia: enfernal parade

Dakim: bite

that clash knock typlosion out and then i sent out gator (feraligatr) and umbreon

Gia: surf and and physic


that did some damage

Gia: now go snagball


Gia: yes, i caught it. looks like i won sumo man

Dakim: grrr, its dakim!

Gia: i know sumo man

before he could react i hear someone from behind us call his name

Scrubs: mr dakim we need to leave the police are on there way here as we speak

Dakim: very we'll fall back, this isnt over girl

they ran

Gia: lets go see if that vandor guy is ok

Rui: alright, huh?

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