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"Balls!" The man groaned, muttering curses at the broken glass beneath him.

"Rick, I do believe you are inebriated beyond rational thought."

"Well thankyouuuuuuuu birdperson." He slurred, hiccuping through his words.

"I think it's time we headed back to the ship."

"Fuck the shi- ip! Let's tie one on!"

"I believe we have been 'tying one on' for the past seven hours." Birperson stepped forward, patting him down for his keys.

The man shoved him back, grabbing the keys from his pocket and tossing them as far as he could, hands on his hips with a stupid sense of pride.

Birdperson sighed, pulling him up and dragging him out of the bar, aimlessly searching for a place to set him down. They wandered down the street, taking shelter in a small alley-like street. All of the motels, hotels, inns seemed to be closed. All but one.

The light peered out of the windows and the two stumbled forward, birdperson haphazardly opening it with his wing, triggering the little ding of the bell. The place was warm and wooden, walls lined with books and big comfy chairs. There were candles on the tables and the front desk that remained empty for the moment.

Birdperson dumped him down on one of the chairs, stepping towards the front desk and peering over, craning his neck in an effort to see into the back.

"Just a moment!" A voice called out from that same door. The owner of the voice stepped out, brushing off their apron and lifting it up off them and placing it on a hanger just outside the door.
"Well hello there." They said, resting their elbows on the counter between them.

"Yes, hello, me and my acquaintance require a room."

They glanced over to the man "Of course, one bed or two?"

"One. I don't plan on staying."

They ducked down, rummaging out of sight and then bringing up a sheet and a pen. "Name and info?"

"People call me Bird person."

They snorted. "Oh my god you were serious, uh-" They scribbled it down.

"My planet has no use for names..." He stated awkwardly.

"And will you be returning for your friend?"

"I'm sure he will fare well on his own."

They nodded again, writing sloppily and holding out a hand.

"That will be 53 credits."

"I was under the impression that this planet did not accept credits."

"Let's just say this planet is one of my many rest stops."

Birdperson hummed curiously but did not comment any further, pulling out the credits to drop them in their outstretched hand.

They pocketed it, pushing over a small paper card, drawn in sloppy handwriting. "I can handle your friend here."

"Thank you for your service."

"Of course, visit again."

The winged man regarded his companion a final time before exiting, a loud caw being heard in the night sky as the door shut.

They sighed, turning towards the man and sliding over the counter with a clumsy motion. They kneeled down in front of the man. He was young-ish. Probably mid to late thirties. His hair was wild, a pale blue and his eyes were dark. Lines were embedded into the skin and a light stubble was growing across his strong jawline. They held his chin, turning his face to the side to further inspect. The unibrow was scruffy, similar to the rest of him and the jacket he wore was old and battered.

"Interesting man, aren't you?" They dipped under his arm, pulling him upwards and dragging him along, taking note of the undisturbed snoring.

The two made their way through the house, pulling him up the stairs and through a hall lined with doors. The two stopped at the door furthest to the left and opened it, revealing a simple room. Clean and pale, a bed in the centre of the room, a desk tucked into the corner with paper sprawled across every inch. The other side, a small wardrobe. They placed him down on the bed after throwing back the covers and pulling off his boots. They checked his pockets, pulling out a wallet and tossed the covers back over him, tucking it beneath him.

They opened the wallet, checking the ID inside and writing it down on a chalk plaque.

They left, sliding it into the sign on the door and shutting it behind them. "Welcome, Rick Sanchez." They muttered, turning away and heading back out with a simple turn of the heel.

The Nowhere Hotel (young rick sanchez X reader)Where stories live. Discover now