midnight happenings

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He stirred on the sofa. His eyes flickered open and he watched y/n enter. "You fell asleep?"

He muttered a yes, blinking and rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Late. Everybody else has gone to bed."

He groaned, stretching and feeling the clicks and shifts in his spine.

"You hungry?" They said as they leaned against the doorframe.

"I could do with a drink."

"Now that's something I can arrange." They left. He followed.

They grabbed a glass from under the bar and filled it with a bright and bubbling liquid before sliding it across to him. He caught it and without hesitation, chugged it, relishing the burn in this throat.

"Not very picky are we?"

He set the glass back down, tracing his finger across the rim. "As long as it gets me drunk, I have no reason to be."

They hummed, taking back the glass and pouring a fresh glass. "So what happened?"

"What do you mean?" He took back the glass, this time taking his time with a long sip.

"Nobody is just like this. Something happened to you." They hopped up onto the bar  crossing their legs and watching him.

"I lost people. I'm trying to get revenge on who took them."

"Ah, one of the classic revenge stories."

He released a breathy chuckle, averting his eyes to his drink.

"A lot of people that pass through here with one of those. A lot of them are lonely."

"I don't get lonely." He muttered, finishing the drink and holding it up for a refill.

They did and they shifted themselves closer. "I think your lying."

He looked up at them. "Where would you get that idea from?"

"If you wanted to leave, you would've used your portal gun, but you didn't. You threw yourself into a situation where you know you would fail so you could come back. Because your alone and you don't like it."

"I'm used to it."

"That doesn't mean you enjoy it."

He looked up, watching them.

"Your face is red."

"You gave me a strong drink."

"Maybe I can help sober you up."  They leaned forward, settling themself in front of them, uncrossing their legs to dangle them over the edge on either side of him. He was trapped. He didn't mind.

Their hand found his jaw, lifting his face. He grabbed it and tugged. They fell onto his lap and his hands found their waist. His lips met theirs in a hungry and rough movement. He breathed out, the touch only increasing the heat running to his face.

He pulled away for a moment, looking at them and pounced, his face buried in their neck. He kissed and bit, moving along in a desperate effort to be closer to feel that heat. Their nails clawed his back and the pain brought a dull tingle to his brain, leaving only that animal instinct

Their hands got tangled in his hair, pulling him in closer and moving his face back to theirs. He did as he was told, following the commands of their hands. They left his hair, travelling downwards and inwards, leaving a trail of heat, to his chest, to his stomach and down. God it was amazing. Going further and further before he felt them begin to grind and grab-

And then he woke up.

He shot upwards, looking around at his room and fell back again, groaning.

"Just when it was about to get good." He muttered, resting his arm over his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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