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He sat in silence, chewing cautiously as if he expected the food to sprout wings.

The supposed owner stood behind the bar, doing whatever he supposed interdimensional hotel owners did. It tasted good but he wasn't exactly sure what to do with himself in this situation. Before long, the plate had been wiped clean and he was left twiddling his thumbs.

"So... when do you plan on letting me go?"

They turned to him, flicking the rag in their hand onto their shoulder. "You're free to leave any time you want. Although, the next planet I'm visiting is associated with the galactic federation-"

"So you are turning me in."

"I don't plan on doing anything of the sort. It just happens to be my next stop."

"So you just stay for a night and leave?"

"Longer, usually, but there weren't many customers."

"What happens if you leave while somebody is still inside, how do they get back?"

They shrugged. "I just take them where they need to go, although it can be limited at times."

"What about-"

"Jesus christ, do you just spend your time asking questions?"

"Jesus christ- your an earthling?"

"Born and raised."

"Then how did you get." He gestured loosely. "Yknow, this?"

"For the smartest man in the universe, you don't seem to know much."

"Well I know that that plant over there is a hell wreath. How did you get your hands on a plant that rare?"

"It was a gift."

"A gift?"

They snatched the plate from in front of him, glaring as they slowly lowered themselves down to put it away.
"No more questions, I have shit to do." They popped back up, running their hand from the top of their head to the base of their neck before stepping out, broom in hand.


They exited and he stumbled off his chair, following much like a lost stray.

In the other room, y/n was using the wrong broom to thwack the top of the lobby windows, allowing the wooden blinds to fall with a light thwack. They did the same to the other window before jumping over the counter and pulling out a wooden dial with a brass dial, a point currently turned into a little section painted white. They turned it and the hotel shook.

Rick turned around, watching the walls in wonder. A green light outside appeared and faded to gold and after a moment, they hopped back over, lifting the blinds and flipping a closed sign to open.

"A structural portal."

"Of sorts."

He peeked out the door at the bustling city before ducking his head back in at the sight of the bug officers.

"This was a-"

"An abandoned building."

"And nobody questions the sudden appearance of a hotel?"

"Not really." They grabbed a book from under the counter and leapt, once again, and placed the book in one of the many shelves.

"So... I'm just free to go?"

"You always were, but like I said, I wouldn't reccomend it."

"Yeah well I've never been known for good decisions." He poked his head out again and waited until he deemed it safe to bolt.

The Nowhere Hotel (young rick sanchez X reader)Where stories live. Discover now