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(A/N: I'm serious here, if I don't update regularly because of school, don't be surprised because that's what happened to "A Scout's Journal" and I'm not gonna do it again. Of course, this statement might not age that well but who gives a fuck?

Anyway, this story is taking place from Season 1 Part 2 to Season 4 parts 1 and 2. Here's another thing, Season 4 Part 2 is my favorite because of the intro. That song "The Rumbling" is the best song I've ever heard and I'm using it in another book that's a pro wrestling fanfic since the wrestler I created is turning heel (bad guy) at some point in that story!

Anyways, here's the chapter and let's see what happens!)


We were almost at the cell where Eren Jaeger was being held in as Aunt Hange and I made sure that Eren was going to be treated with respect.

I've no doubt that he would be useful after he plugged up the hole in Trost, but I bet the Church of The Walls would try to take full custody and torture him, which is what the Scouts don't want.

When we went in, Hange lunged at the bars and held onto them with such interest that I thought it was adorable!

From the looks of it, this boy has to be Eren. I saw in his eyes that he wanted to fight, but he wasn't in on hurting people. He just wanted to kill every Titan he comes across, even in his Titan form.

I just know that this is just what the MPs want, they want to go after anyone that seemed dangerous and kill anyone that would be a threat to humanity. I really don't think Eren is a threat, he could be useful in taking back Wall Maria.

Hange: So then you're Eren, are you well? How are things? I'm really sorry you have been waiting so long, but here is your chance to finally get out, but one thing, you're going to need to put these on for me, okay?

As Auntie said that, she showed some shackles that Eren had to put on and he did. As we walked down the hallway to the courtroom, Hange kept talking.

Hange: My name is Hange Zöe and I'm a Section Commander for the Scouts. This is my nephew, Corporal Y/N Zöe.

As she talked, Miche started sniffing Eren and looking to get to know him. I was never around the guy that much, mostly because his quirk as a sniffer is really annoying.

Hange: And this is Commander of The Scouts, Miche Zacharius. Ohh and don't mind him he makes it a habit to give new people a thorough sniff. Tends to laugh through his nose a bit but I don't think he intends it to be derisive. Quirks aside, he is a skilled Section Commander.

Miche was done sniffing Eren as we were near the double doors. I hated the facets that we were leaving him, but we're looking to see if we win and I hope we do.

Hange: Ohh poo, sorry I've just been paddling on with the small talk and now we're here. Well I'm sure it's fine, it's probably better if I don't explain anything.

Hange opened the doors and I pushed Eren in as I had to say this.

Y/N: It may seem callous, but we've all put our faith in you Eren. Best of luck, you're gonna need it.

We closed the doors as we walked towards somewhere we can see what goes down.

Y/N: I don't like this.

Hange: What do you mean?

Y/N: The church and the MPs. They want Eren dead and they have so much evidence that they could win.

Hange: I wouldn't be too sure. Erwin has a plan, you need to focus on that.

Y/N: I know that, Hange, but if they win, what do we get? A huge sack of sh—

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