Chapter Two: Good Books and Friendly Conversation

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Ron's POV:

This year had already come to a bloody brilliant start.

Harry's stupid Owl, Hedwig, woke me up three hours too early and by pecking at my head like I was some kind of bloody mealworm. After that lucky start, I found my way back to sleep. Only then, when I woke back up much better rested, I was late.

So I ran to the Great Hall, shoes squeaking against the marble floors, hair so wild and unkept a bird's nest could have just as easily flown in never to be found and I caught sight of my friends. I smiled at the sight of cinnamon rolls.

"Ronald, you're late. Breakfast is almost over." Hermione had already begun her lecture.

"Better get to it then!" I reached out and threw everything left onto my plate, grabbing fistfuls of whatever I could get my hands on.

Croissants, toast, five different kinds of cereal and pastries - the latter laid out in front of us. Jams, doughnuts, jam filled doughnuts... I could go on. And I would have. But just as I was about to stuff a bread roll into my mouth, it was shot right back out in shock.

"Elise Isabelle Hazelwood where the spirits have you been?!"

Harry helped prevent my death by patting me on the back as I choked. Elise shot Ginny an amused look. "You knew I was in Spain and couldn't visit."

"It's still no excuse." Ginny crossed her arms.

"Was playing Quidditch with your family really that bad without me?"

"Yes!" Ginny exclaimed. "You know without you the teams were unbalanced. And I had to deal with a moaning Ron on my side."

"I wasn't moaning!" I spluttered, completely appalled by her declaration.

"Oh 'I wonder where Elise is', 'do you think Elise is alright' bla bla bla." She continued, exaggerating the deeper tone of my voice. Which, for the record, I do not sound like.

"I did not say that."

"Might as well have-"

"And I don't sound like that!"

Elise smiled back at her warmly, just as she always did. "Well, I'm sorry, it won't happen again."


I protested as Ginny got to my plate and snatched a donut right out from under my nose. She was trying to justify by telling me that I had too much to begin with, when she knew I was only just starting.

"So, Ginny..." Harry awkwardly began, "how was your break?"

She cocked a grin. "Yeah, it was good. Played some Quidditch, beat poor Ron's butt at it..."

"You did not!"

It took everything in my power to not argue with Ginny further, or to threaten telling Mum, or even to beat the absolute hell out of Harry for flirting with my sister. I shot him a quick glare as they continued their conversation. Hermione rolled her eyes, deciding to ignore the rest of the exchange. Elise pressed her lips together, forcing back an eliciting grin. The two held a separate conversation.

After some more intense glaring, Harry finally met my eyes, took a quick glance back at Ginny, then hid himself behind his hair. Ginny shot me a glare of her own, eyebrows furrowing as if to say 'stay out of it.'

But I knew I wouldn't. No way in hell was my best friend ever going to be involved with my baby sister. I would imagine Harry would want to keep his fingers intact.

"Yeah right."

"I'm serious! It was like- massive."

I did a double take at their conversation.

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