Chapter Eleven: A Tense Friendship and A Blushing Face

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Elise's POV:

I woke up with a groan, just as I did every morning, shielding my eyes from the bright light of the sun. My roommate, Laura, always liked to keep the curtains open during the night. So that meant most mornings I would wake to burning eyes. After a few minutes of contemplation, I finally decided to get up, pulling my fluffy socks higher up my feet as I got out of bed. It was growing chiller as December drew closer. These past few days it felt close to snow. So sleeping with socks on was the only way to fight the frostbite.

After getting changed and ready for an early breakfast, everything from last weekend's party came back to me in flashes. The Quidditch game, the way Ron held my hand, the butter beer, my awkward talk with Arabella, and... Dean.

Dean was definitely surprised to see me that night. Ginny had invited him to the party too, but he needed to catch up on some work. When I knocked and he answered, and I'd finally stammered out the question, he blinked back at me with a few seconds of silence that made me question everything.

Was I drunk and slurring my words? Had he not heard me? Had he not wanted to?

No, El, think. This is Dean we are talking about. He wouldn't ignore you on purpose. I think.... No, think properly.

Okay, so, he won't stop staring at me with his mouth open. What does that mean? Is he surprised? Sad? Angry? This was a bad idea. Oh my merlin, this was so stupid. What the hell was I thinking? He's obviously upset.

He won't stop looking at me. What is happening? Did the blunger cause a delayed effect with his cognitive skills?

Oh my god- it's fine. You're overthinking this. If his injury was acting up, he would have come to the Hospital Wing again. You would know about it. So just say something. This is fine. Just explain yourself.

Oh no.... maybe he already has a date. Is that why he's so silent? Is he trying to find a way to let me down easy? Okay I should probably say something. God, he's still staring. He's definitely found another date by now. Play it off as a drunk dare, pretend you thought he was someone else- Jesus Christ, El, just say anything!

"Yes. Definitely that offer is still valid." Dean finally spoke. And then, his lips split into a grin.

Oh god, I feel sick.

"Really?" I asked, the world's weight falling from my chest. He nodded. "Okay, great."

"If you don't mind me asking though..."

Wait, was he already changing his mind? Wow, El, how have you managed to screw this up so fast?

"What changed your mind?" Dean asked.


Well, nevermind then.

The question still made me anxious, but a lot less than I would have been if I let my thoughts take over. I rubbed the back on my neck. "I realised I was being pretty stupid. You're really great, and I think with the guy... I was clinging onto other possibilities. But I'm over him. And, you know, I'd still really like to go with you."

Dean's eyebrows shot up in amazement with a lovely smile to match. "Absolutely. I'm really glad you said yes because I had no other ideas of who to bring." He laughed.

I felt my grin spread like warmth through me. "Great. Okay, so we're definitely going to the ball together."

I finished the conversation off with a nod, smile stretching and beginning to turn around and leave. But before I could, I looked back at him one last time. "And... you know, thank you for wanting to."

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