Chapter 1

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Stephanie's POV

I walk't into school with the biggest smile on my face like every other day and headed over to my locker where my one and only true best friend Yainaliz was there.

"Hi Stephanie!" A group of girl said
"Hey girl's!" I giggled and kissed there cheek's
"Yooooo Steph!" A few jock's said
"Hi boy's" I smiled and also kissed there cheek's

Since I was the popular girl in school everyone knew me and since I am so nice everyone talk's to me. Of course I always kissed people's cheek's when I said hi to them it was just my way of being unique.

While I walk to my locker I was walking past the "nerds" Calum, Michael and Ashton they are pretty cool dudes they shy but friendly and of course I always said hi to them

"Hi Calum *kisses his cheek* hi Micahel *kisses his cheek* hi Ashton *kisses his cheek!" I say to them. They smiled and said there hey's

I finally got to my locker where my BFF was.

"Hiiii giiiirrllllll!" I say and kiss her cheek
"Hey! I saw you walk past the "nerds" I am so jealous." She said. You see me and her always saw the "nerds" as well them selfs I mean who cares if there smarter? They are still people. We call them the "nerds" when it's just me and her because if we say it with other people they might think I'm being a bully and I don't want that. Oh and also Yaina is crushing on Calum but since they are both shy. Neither of them will grow the ball's to talk to each other.

"You could just go over there and talk to him" I say to her in a duh voice
"It's just so hard!!! I get lost in those big brown eyes, and that hair oh and body! God the hormones!!!" She says over dramatically and I can't help but giggle

Suddenly I feel arms wrap't around my waist pulling me closer to a strong body
"Hey babe" Jack say's kissing my cheek
"Hi" I say turning around and kissing his lip's
"You missed my game on Friday. Why?" He ask't slightly angry
"Sorry babe I was having an important family dinner" I lied making fake sad eyes

Truth is every Friday I would hang out with the "nerds" and play video games I'm not to much into parties or games.

"Hmmm okay love, uhh I got to go but I'll see ya later" he said while giving me a goodbye kiss and walk' away with his friends.

I sigh and turn back to Yaina who was to busy staring at Calum while he bend over to grab a notebook that feel

"Mmm that booty tho!" She said biting her lip. Since I knew she was in a day dream I slammed my locker in her face to scare her witch it work't considering she jump up in surprise
"You so mean!" She said while hitting me because I was laughing
"Hehe I know I am" I smirk't at her

I grabbed my iPod 5 in blue put my headphones on and playing Roger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens. And the bell rings

"C'mon let's get to class" I said to Yaina and grabbed her hand interlacing our fingers. Yes I'm a hand holder...don't judge me.

Me and Yaina had almost all of our classes together even some with Calum, Micahel and Ashton.

We walk't into English class and sat in our set's. Half way thro the class I needed to go to the bathroom so I walk't up the teacher

"Excuse me sir can I get a hall pass to the bathroom's?" I ask't. The teacher nodded and gave me a hall pass

I was walking to the bathroom's not really caring about anything, when suddenly I felt a body bump into mine. I look't up and saw a tall blond boy with blue eyes, he was wearing glasses a band t-shirt and skin tight jeans.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" He said sounding panic't
"It's okay, hi! Are you new here?" I said with a smile
"Uhh yeah I am" he said shyly
"Well, welcome! I'm Stephanie" I said smiling and putting my hand out for him to shake
"Uh I'm Luke, nice to meet you Stephanie" he said a little awkwardly and shy but still grabbed my hand and shocked it.
"Where you heading to class?" I ask't him
"Yeah I just got lost.. Can uhh... Can you help me?" He said almost in a whisper
"Awe! Of course silly let me see your schedule" I grabbed the schedule while kissing his cheek muttering 'so cute' on it he blushed at look't down

"Oh! You have the same class as me! C'mon let me take you there"

We started walking to class together and he told me how he just moved here from Australia.

Wow Luke's a pretty nice guy

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