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Fear. Fear is everywhere,
It's all around us, all day and all night.
We can't see it, but it's there...

What is fear? What is the point of fear?
Why is it here? What does it want with us?
Well, the answer to that is simple!
Fear is that awful, excruciating feeling we get when our body starts to feel in danger or at risk.
Fear is the thing that makes your insides twist, turn and shake.
It makes your brain bubble and fizz!
The very thought makes you dizzy, lightheaded and like all the air has disappeared and been stolen from you.
All of the oxygen has been consumed by the monster and you've completely forgotten how to breathe.
You see, fear is like a living, evil and dark creature creeping and crawling up your back making your spine shiver, all while it gets ready to pounce on it's pray and attack and cause absolute chaos!
Misery and destruction are the monsters best friend.
Fear is the destroyer and just like a tornado, it has the power to eliminate anything and everything in it's path!
There is no dodging fear.
It's nothing but a little disgusting parasite and no matter what you do or how much or hard you try, there is just no getting away...
There is no escape.
Once you're caught, you're tapped in a small, dark and suffocation prison, locked in harsh cold chains as the monsters prisoner to forever be tortured and worn down until eventually, you lose it, you break down and you soon just fade away into nothing.
You no longer exist.
Who even are you anymore??
Unless you can find the light, there is absolutely no mercy for the prisoners of fear.... Really, there's no point in fear!
All it does is being misery and toxicity to ruin and destroy the society and the world around us.
The worst thing about fear though, is that it has the power to end lives.
First it takes over your body, then it takes control of your mind and once it does, it's just too late.
You can try to fight it, but it's just not that simple.
I'm afraid nothing is easy when it comes to life.
You feel as if your not strong enough.
It's impossible.
You feel weak and tired and you're about to give up......
But don't!
Please NEVER give up!
Fear may be strong but no matter what you will ALWAYS be stronger!
You can get through this!
Slowly but surely by just taking a big deep breath and taking everything one step at a time, slow and steady,
You can defeat your creature!
You can slay your monster and finally be free and at peace.

Anything is possible if you put your mind, heart and soul into it.
You are strong, powerful, beautiful and you are worth it.

So just RISE up and never GIVE up!
There is always light on the other side!
I promise.

Oh and one more thing!
If fear ever catches up to you and ever feel afraid then please don't worry.
You're not weak and it's a completely normal feeling to have.
It's more than okay to be afraid sometimes because being afraid is honestly just a part of being human and a part of who we are and it's honestly a very beautiful and powerful thing.
It's just how we deal with it is what matters and sometimes releasing those negative emotions can be the best thing to do even if it might be ugly!
As long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself it's completely okay to be angry and emotional.
The point isn't to throw the bad stuff away or hold it all in, it's to just make room for it and accept and embrace it as a part of us.
We all have many different sides to us including the more darker sides and it's completely normal.
We're not perfect and we never will be and that in itself is just pure beauty and perfection 💜

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