Back to Where It All began

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Misty's POV

I wobbled behind Ash as he ran to god knows where. I struggled to keep up, "Ash," I called out, "I can't keep up." He looked back at me, ran in my direction, then to my surprise, HE PICKED ME UP BRIDAL STYLE.

I held on to my crutches with one hand and had my other around his neck.

"Ashy-boo, where are we going?" I whined. He shh'd me and just continued to speed-walk.

Suddenly, everything around me becomes familiar, the trees, the path and I know exactly where he's taking me...

Ash's POV

I pick Misty up and begin to run with her, she squirms a little a first but gets used to it, I think she understands where I'm taking her finally, please let her remember repeats in my mind as we finally get there.

The lake that started it all, where she fished Pickachu and I out, then let me 'borrow' her bike to get my Pickapal to the nearest Pokecenter. Hehe I still need to return her bike.

I set her down gently and then sit next to her. "I remember this," She whispers. "You still owe me a bike Ash Ketchum!!" She exclaims giving me a playful slap on the chest. We both laugh as we reminisce.

I miss this, just us, no one else, not her sisters annoying her 24/7, my mom not breathing down my neck constantly. Just how it was when we traveled.

That's it!! I thought to myself

"Hey Mist?" I say awakening a half a sleep Misty from my chest.

"Hmm?" She questions.

"I have an idea," I say as a flick of adventure shines off my eyes. "Uh-oh, is this idea going to get us killed Ketchum?" She raises an eyebrow. "Maybe," I smirk "Just kidding."

She sighs, "What's your idea?"

Hope you liked this chapter, it's one of the last, but don't worry, I'm making a Sequel!!
Thanks to GingerAndy for also was reading, voting, commenting and supporting, it means a lot. There will probably be one or two more chapters, so get ready, (especially the next chapter).

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