Not So Happy

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Misty's POV


I just cleaned up all the dishes from the breakfast that daisy m

ade for Ash, Gary, and I.

I was walking down the hallway to the dining room when I hear Ash and Gary talking for the first time all morning so I froze and listened in.

"Ashy-boy, finally decided to come back?" Gary asked teasingly

"Yeah, I did. What's it to you."

"Oh nothing. I just can't help but notice what you came back for," Gary raised an eyebrow "It's obvious that you came to confess your love to Misty."

Does Ash really love me? No, he can't  probably loves me like a little sister...

Ash gulped, "I have no idea what you're talking about." he choked out

"You can have her Ash, I was hoping for pump and then dump, put she never gave me the pump so I never dumped. I don't really love her, she's my toy."

"Why oughtta go tell Misty!" Ash almost yelled.

"You don't have to Ash, I heard everything! Why you selfish bastard Gary, I fucking hate you! Get out, NOW!!" I yelled as tears start to form and drip down my face.

"Fine princess." Gary said, and with that he got up and left.

I slumped into a chair and sobbed, I didn't care that Ash saw me crying.

"Hey Mist," Ash began "want me to stay the night again?"

"Yes Ash." I barely was able to get the words out.


Sorry about it being short, writer's block sucks. I will be updating more today since I'm sick and didn't go to school.


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