First Day Back

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Misty's POV


Ash and I have been dating for three weeks now, and I can honestly say, it's been the best three weeks of my life!

I ran into the kitchen got my bookbag off one of the chairs, grabbed a banana and bid 'Good bye' to my sisters.

It's 7:15, I hope I'm not late for the first day. Class doesn't officially start until 8:30.

I drive into Ash's driveway and honk, he comes running out with a half eaten bagel in his mouth and one in his hand. That boy, he's always eating.

"Sorry." he said with a mouthfull.

I rolled my eyes in a playful manner then smiled at him.

"Thanks for taking me to school while my car's in the shop Mist."

"It's no problem Ashy-boo!" I gave him a wink

"Why do you call me 'Ashy-boo'?" He whined

"Do you not like it?" I asked acting hurt.

"It's fine I guess." He grumbled.

We get to school at 8:08, that still gives us time to hang out before class.

We walked in and I saw my friends May and Dawn, they were with Paul and Drew, of course.

"Hey May, Hey Dawn" I smiled.

"Hi!" they said in unison.

"Sup." Ash said to Paul and Drew.

"Hmph" Was all he got from Paul.

"Wassup." Drew said.

"Why are you always sounding so negative paul?" Dawn asked with a look at Paul.

"Because I'm allowed to" he replyed bitterly.

Dawn just rolled her eyes, she really likes Paul. She won't admit it to anyone though, I'm the only one that knows.

"So what's your schedule?" I asked.

"First period math, second science, third history, then lunch and a free half hour, fourth period is reading, and fifth is elective." Answered May

"And mine is first history, then reading, third is math then a free period and lunch after, fourth is science and elective to end the day." Dawn said.

"Cool, I have Math, then reading, third is history, then a free period followed by lunch, then fourth is science, and elective." I said a smile never leaving my face.

"What elective do you guys have?" Dawn asked

"I have Art." May and I said in unison, and we giggled. 

"I do too!" Dawn exclaimed. We all squealed with delight,  and started talking about our summers.

"Great,  I have art with the girls, " Paul said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. 

"By the looks of it,  Ash and I do too." said Drew attempting to get a different expression on Paul's face. 

The bell rang and we all dispersed to our classes.

Ash walked with Dawn and I to history and left for math right down the hall. 


It was three seventeen and I had practicality slept through all my classes,  all it was was going over rules I'd already known from last year.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the art room and to their lockers, even the teacher.  Ash and everyone  was already out and down the hall,  when I tried to get out a heavy arm grabbed me by my waist.

"How yah doin' babe?" I reconize that voice, it belonged to Gary. His breathe smelled heavily southern comfort. 

"Gary, are you drunk? I asked trying to pull away from his grasp, but he just ended up tightening it. 

"I'm as sober as ever babe,  now give ol' Gar-Bear a kiss!" He leaned in to kiss me,. But someone pulled me away from him,  I looked up it was. Ash. 

Ash started beating on Gary.  Once Gary was bleeding out of his nose, Ash moved away from him, took me by my hand,  and pulled me down the hall. 

We got to my car and drove off.  That was the end of our first day back at school.

Hey sorry I haven't updated recently,  school is kicking my butt.  I'll try to update as much as possible.  Hope you like so far! Vote and comment,  I'd love to hear from you cookies!

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